Business Intelligence at ScalePDF version

Importing the custom NiFi flow definition

Before you can deploy a flow, you must import a flow definition that contains the data flow logic you want to deploy to a Cloudera DataFlow (CDF) environment.

Import the custom NiFi flow definition available in your pattern artifacts downloads package. This flow definition moves streaming weather data into Kafka.

  1. From the CDF left navigation pane, click Catalog.
  2. Click Import Flow Definition and provide the following information:
    Field name Description
    Flow Name Specify an unique name for the flow definition you are importing. For example, Weather-data-to-kafka.
    Flow Description (Optional) Provide a description of your flow definition. Use this value to help you differentiate between the other flows imported to your catalog.
    NiFi Flow Configuration Upload the flow definition JSON file.
  3. Click Import.
Now that you have imported your custom NiFi flow definition, you can move on to collecting the flow configuration that you need to deploy the ReadyFlow and this custom NiFi flow definition for your Business Intelligence at Scale pattern.