DeploymentPDF version

Install Cloudera Manager and a CDP Private Cloud Base cluster

Learn about the basic requirements for installing Cloudera Manager and CDP Private Cloud Base.

You should follow the instructions in the CDP Private Cloud Base Installation Guide for complete information about installing Cloudera Manager and a CDP base cluster. At minimum, you should ensure that you perform the following steps.

  • You have installed a JDK
  • If you want to use an external database, you have installed and configured it for NiFi Registry.
  1. Install CDP Private Cloud Base.
    See the CDP Private Cloud Base Installation Guide for more information.
  2. Enable Auto-TLS and Kerberos.

    Cloudera recommends the following security configuration:

    • Enable Auto-TLS. Unsecured NiFi clusters are not supported.
    • Enable Kerberos. Kerberos is required if you are using Apache Ranger.
    • Use Apache Atlas for dataset level lineage graphs.
    • Use Apache Ranger to authorize NiFi and NiFi Registry users.
    For details on security recommendations and options, see CFM Security.
  3. Install the following Runtime services, at minimum:
    Dependency Description

    NiFi has a required dependency on ZooKeeper, and this service must be installed.

    Atlas Atlas is an optional dependency. It is used for data lineage across the components. If you plan to use Atlas, install it as part of the Base cluster prior the installation of NiFi and NiFi Registry
    Ranger Ranger is an optional dependency. Ranger is used to manage user access policies. If you plan to use Ranger, install it as part of the Base cluster prior the installation of NiFi and NiFi Registry.
  4. If you want to install the Ranger service and store Ranger audit logs, you have two options.
    • Install the HDFS service for long term audit log archive and the Solr service for searching and indexing the audit logs from the last 30 days. This is the default.

      To do this, select HDFS and Solr as dependencies when installing Ranger.

    • Install only the Solr service, which stores audit logs for 30 days. To do this, select the Solar dependency when installing Ranger, and make the following configurations:

      • Select the Core Configuration service instead of HDFS as a dependency when installing Ranger.
      • Deselect Ranger Plugin DFS Audit Enabled option during Ranger service installation.

When you have completed the CDP Private Cloud Base cluster installation, add the CFM parcel and CSD files.