Apache NiFi Expression Language GuidePDF version

Subjectless Functions

While the majority of functions in the Expression Language are called by using the syntax ${attributeName:function()}, there exist a few functions that are not expected to have subjects. In this case, the attribute name is not present. For example, the IP address of the machine can be obtained by using the Expression ${ip()}. All of the functions in this section are to be called without a subject. Attempting to call a subjectless function and provide it a subject will result in an error when validating the function.

Description: Returns the IP address of the machine.

Subject Type: No subject

Arguments: No arguments

Return Type: String

Examples: The IP address of the machine can be obtained by using the Expression ${ip()}.

Description: Returns the Hostname of the machine. An optional argument of type Boolean can be provided to specify whether or not the Fully Qualified Domain Name should be used. If false, or not specified, the hostname will not be fully qualified. If the argument is true but the fully qualified hostname cannot be resolved, the simple hostname will be returned.

Subject Type: No subject


  • Fully Qualified : Optional parameter that specifies whether or not the hostname should be fully qualified. If not specified, defaults to false.

Return Type: String

Examples: The fully qualified hostname of the machine can be obtained by using the Expression ${hostname(true)}, while the simple hostname can be obtained by using either ${hostname(false)} or simply ${hostname()}.

Description: Returns a randomly generated type 4 UUID.

Subject Type: No Subject

Arguments: No arguments

Return Type: String

Examples: ${UUID()} returns a value similar to "de305d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e546013"

See Also: UUID3(), UUID5()

Description: Returns a one-up value (starting at 0) and increasing over the lifetime of the running instance of NiFi. This value is not persisted across restarts and is not guaranteed to be unique across a cluster. This value is considered "one-up" in that if called multiple times across the NiFi instance, the values will be sequential. However, this counter is shared across all NiFi components, so calling this function multiple times from one Processor will not guarantee sequential values within the context of a particular Processor.

Subject Type: No Subject

Arguments: No arguments

Return Type: Number

Examples: If the previous value returned by nextInt was 5, the Expression ${nextInt():divide(2)} obtains the next available integer (6) and divides the result by 2, returning a value of 3.

Description: Returns its argument as a literal String value. This is useful in order to treat a string or a number at the beginning of an Expression as an actual value, rather than treating it as an attribute name. Additionally, it can be used when the argument is an embedded Expression that we would then like to evaluate additional functions against.

Subject Type: No Subject


  • value : The value to be treated as a literal string, number, or boolean value.

Return Type: String

Examples: ${literal(2):gt(1)} returns true

${literal( ${allMatchingAttributes('a.*'):count()}
returns true if there are more than 3 attributes whose names begin with the letter a.

Description: Access a processor’s state values by passing in the String key and getting the value back as a String. This is a special Expression Language function that only works with processors that explicitly allow EL to query state. Currently only UpdateAttribute does.

Subject Type: No Subject


  • Key : The key to use when accessing the state map.

Return Type: String

Examples: UpdateAttribute processor has stored the key "count" with value "20" in state. '${getStateValue("count")}` returns 20.

Description: Returns the name of the thread used by the processor when evaluating the Expression. This can be useful when using a processor with multiple concurrent tasks and where some data uniqueness is required.

Subject Type: No Subject

Arguments: No arguments

Return Type: String

Examples: ${thread()} could return something like Timer-Driven Process Thread-4.