Using the Apache NiFi ToolkitPDF version


To show help:

./bin/ -h

The following are available options:

  • -b,--bootstrapConf <arg> Existing Bootstrap Configuration file (required)

  • -d,--nifiInstallDir <arg> NiFi Root Folder (required)

  • -h,--help Help Text (optional)

  • -l,--level <arg> Status level of bulletin - INFO, WARN, ERROR

  • -m,--message <arg> Bulletin message (required)

  • -p,--proxyDN <arg> Proxy or User DN (required for secured nodes)

  • -v,--verbose Verbose messaging (optional)

To send notifications: -d {$NIFI_HOME} -b {nifi bootstrap file path} -m {message} [-l {level}] [-v]

Example usage on Linux:

./ -d /usr/nifi/nifi_current -b /usr/nifi/nifi_current/conf/bootstrap.conf -m "Test Message Server 1" -l "WARN" -p "ydavis@nifi" -v

Example usage on Windows:

notify.bat -v -d "C:\\Program Files\\nifi\\nifi-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT" -b "C:\\Program Files\\nifi\\nifi-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT\\conf\\bootstrap.conf" -m "Test Message Server 1" -v

Executing the above command line should result in a bulletin appearing in NiFi: