Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

Flow Election

When a cluster first starts up, NiFi must determine which of the nodes have the "correct" version of the flow. This is done by voting on the flows that each of the nodes has. When a node attempts to connect to a cluster, it provides a copy of its local flow and (if the policy provider allows for configuration via NiFi) its users, groups, and policies, to the Cluster Coordinator. If no flow has yet been elected the "correct" flow, the node's flow is compared to each of the other Nodes' flows. If another Node's flow matches this one, a vote is cast for this flow. If no other Node has reported the same flow yet, this flow will be added to the pool of possibly elected flows with one vote. After some amount of time has elapsed (configured by setting the nifi.cluster.flow.election.max.wait.time property) or some number of Nodes have cast votes (configured by setting the nifi.cluster.flow.election.max.candidates property), a flow is elected to be the "correct" copy of the flow.

Any node whose dataflow, users, groups, and policies conflict with those elected will backup any conflicting resources and replace the local resources with those from the cluster. How the backup is performed depends on the configured Access Policy Provider and User Group Provider. For file-based access policy providers, the backup will be written to the same directory as the existing file (e.g., $NIFI_HOME/conf) and bear the same name but with a suffix of "." and a timestamp. For example, if the flow itself conflicts with the cluster's flow at 12:05:03 on January 1, 2020, the node's flow.xml.gz file will be copied to flow.xml.gz.2020-01-01-12-05-03 and the cluster's flow will then be written to flow.xml.gz. Similarly, this will happen for the users.xml and authorizations.xml file. This is done so that the flow can be manually reverted if necessary by renaming the backup file back to flow.xml.gz, for example.

It is important to note that before inheriting the elected flow, NiFi will first read through the FlowFile repository and any swap files to determine which queues in the dataflow currently hold data. If there exists any queue in the dataflow that contains a FlowFile, that queue must also exist in the elected dataflow. If that queue does not exist in the elected dataflow, the node will not inherit the dataflow, users, groups, and policies. Instead, NiFi will log errors to that effect and will fail to startup. This ensures that even if the node has data stored in a connection, and the cluster's dataflow is different, restarting the node will not result in data loss.

Election is performed according to the "popular vote" with the caveat that the winner will never be an "empty flow" unless all flows are empty. This allows an administrator to remove a node's flow.xml.gz file and restart the node, knowing that the node's flow will not be voted to be the "correct" flow unless no other flow is found. If there are two non-empty flows that receive the same number of votes, one of those flows will be chosen. The methodology used to determine which of those flows is undefined and may change at any time without notice.