Evaluating Multiple Attributes
When it becomes necessary to evaluate the same conditions against multiple attributes, this can be accomplished by means of the and
and or
functions. However, this quickly becomes tedious, error-prone, and difficult to maintain. For this reason, NiFi provides several functions for evaluating the same conditions against groups of attributes at the same time.
Description: Checks to see if any of the given attributes, match the given
condition. This function has no subject and takes one or more arguments that are the
names of attributes to which the remainder of the Expression is to be applied. If any of
the attributes specified, when evaluated against the rest of the Expression, returns a
value of true
, then this function will return true
Otherwise, this function will return false
Subject Type: No Subject
Attribute Names : One or more attribute names to evaluate
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: Given that the "abc" attribute contains the value "hello world", "xyz" contains "good bye world", and "filename" contains "file.txt" consider the following examples:
Expression | Value |
"xyz"):contains("bye")} |
true |
${anyAttribute("filename","xyz"):toUpper():contains("e")} |
false |
Description: Checks to see if all of the given attributes match the given
condition. This function has no subject and takes one or more arguments that are the
names of attributes to which the remainder of the Expression is to be applied. If all of
the attributes specified, when evaluated against the rest of the Expression, returns a
value of true
, then this function will return true
Otherwise, this function will return false
Subject Type: No Subject
Attribute Names : One or more attribute names to evaluate
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: Given that the "abc" attribute contains the value "hello world", "xyz" contains "good bye world", and "filename" contains "file.txt" consider the following examples:
Expression | Value |
"xyz"):contains("world")} |
true |
${allAttributes("abc", "filename","xyz"):toUpper():contains("e")} |
false |
Description: Checks to see if any of the given attributes, match the given
condition. This function has no subject and takes one or more arguments that are Regular
Expressions to match against attribute names. Any attribute whose name matches one of
the supplied Regular Expressions will be evaluated against the rest of the Expression.
If any of the attributes specified, when evaluated against the rest of the Expression,
returns a value of true
, then this function will return
. Otherwise, this function will return
Subject Type: No Subject
Regex : One or more Regular Expressions (in the Java Pattern syntax) to evaluate against attribute names
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: Given that the "abc" attribute contains the value "hello world", "xyz" contains "good bye world", and "filename" contains "file.txt" consider the following examples:
Expression | Value |
${anyMatchingAttribute("[ax].*"):contains('bye')} |
true |
${anyMatchingAttribute(".*"):isNull()} |
false |
Description: Checks to see if any of the given attributes, match the given
condition. This function has no subject and takes one or more arguments that are Regular
Expressions to match against attribute names. Any attribute whose name matches one of
the supplied Regular Expressions will be evaluated against the rest of the Expression.
If all of the attributes specified, when evaluated against the rest of the Expression,
return a value of true
, then this function will return
. Otherwise, this function will return
Subject Type: No Subject
Regex : One or more Regular Expressions (in the Java Pattern syntax) to evaluate against attribute names
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: Given that the "abc" attribute contains the value "hello world", "xyz" contains "good bye world", and "filename" contains "file.txt" consider the following examples:
Expression | Value |
${allMatchingAttributes("[ax].*"):contains("world")} |
true |
${allMatchingAttributes(".*"):isNull()} |
false |
${allMatchingAttributes("f.*"):count()} |
1 |
Description: Splits a String apart according to a delimiter that is provided, and
then evaluates each of the values against the rest of the Expression. If the Expression,
when evaluated against any of the individual values, returns true
, this
function returns true
. Otherwise, the function returns
Subject Type: No Subject
Delineated Value : The value that is delineated. This is generally an embedded Expression, though it does not have to be.
Delimiter : The value to use to split apart the delineatedValue argument.
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: Given that the "number_list" attribute contains the value "1,2,3,4,5", and the "word_list" attribute contains the value "the,and,or,not", consider the following examples:
Expression | Value |
","):contains("5")} |
true |
${anyDelineatedValue("this that and", ","):equals("${word_list}")} |
false |
Description: Splits a String apart according to a delimiter that is provided, and
then evaluates each of the values against the rest of the Expression. If the Expression,
when evaluated against all of the individual values, returns true
each case, then this function returns true
. Otherwise, the function
returns false
Subject Type: No Subject
Delineated Value : The value that is delineated. This is generally an embedded Expression, though it does not have to be.
Delimiter : The value to use to split apart the delineatedValue argument.
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: Given that the "number_list" attribute contains the value "1,2,3,4,5", and the "word_list" attribute contains the value "those,known,or,not", consider the following examples:
Expression | Value |
","):contains("o")} |
true |
","):count()} |
5 |
${allDelineatedValues("${number_list}", ","):matches("[0-9]+")} |
true |
","):matches('e')} |
false |
Description: Aggregate function that concatenates multiple values with the
specified delimiter. This function may be used only in conjunction with the
, allMatchingAttributes
, and
Subject Type: String
Delimiter : The String delimiter to use when joining values
Return Type: String
Examples: Given that the "abc" attribute contains the value "hello world", "xyz" contains "good bye world", and "filename" contains "file.txt" consider the following examples:
Expression | Value |
${allMatchingAttributes("[ax].*"):substringBefore(" "):join("-")} |
hello-good |
${allAttributes("abc", "xyz"):join("
now")} |
hello world nowgood bye world
now |
Description: Aggregate function that counts the number of non-null, non-false
values returned by the allAttributes
, and allDelineatedValues
This function may be used only in conjunction with the allAttributes
, and allDelineatedValues
Subject Type: Any
Arguments: No arguments
Return Type: Number
Examples: Given that the "abc" attribute contains the value "hello world", "xyz" contains "good bye world", and "number_list" contains "1,2,3,4,5" consider the following examples:
Expression | Value |
${allMatchingAttributes("[ax].*"):substringBefore(" "):count()} |
2 |
"xyz"):contains("world"):count()} |
1 |
","):count()} |
5 |
"non-existent-attr", "xyz"):count()} |
2 |
${allMatchingAttributes(".*"):length():gt(10):count()} |
2 |