Boolean Logic
One of the most powerful features of the Expression Language is the ability to compare an attribute value against some other value. This is used often, for example, to configure how a Processor should route data. The following functions are used for performing boolean logic, such as comparing two values. Each of these functions are designed to work on values of type Boolean.
Description: The isNull
function returns true
if the subject is null, false
otherwise. This is typically used to
determine if an attribute exists.
Subject Type: Any
Arguments: No arguments
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: ${filename:isNull()}
returns true
the "filename" attribute does not exist. It returns false
if the
attribute exists.
Description: The notNull
function returns the opposite value of
the isNull
function. That is, it will return true
the subject exists and false
Subject Type: Any
Arguments: No arguments
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: ${filename:notNull()}
returns true
the "filename" attribute exists. It returns false
if the attribute does
not exist.
Description: The isEmpty
function returns true
if the Subject is null, does not contain any characters or contains only white-space
(new line, carriage return, space, tab), false
Subject Type: String
Arguments: No arguments
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: ${filename:isEmpty()}
returns true
the "filename" attribute does not exist or contains only white space.
${literal(" "):isEmpty()}
returns true as well as
Description: The equals
function is very widely used and
determines if its subject is equal to another String value. Note that the
function performs a direct comparison of two String values.
Take care not to confuse this function with the matches function, which evaluates its subject
against a Regular Expression.
Subject Type: Any
value : The value to compare the Subject to. Must be same type as the Subject.
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: We can check if the filename of a FlowFile is "hello.txt" by using the
expression ${filename:equals('hello.txt')}
, or we could check if the
value of the attribute hello
is equal to the value of the
attribute: ${hello:equals( ${filename}
Description: Similar to the equals
function, the
function compares its subject against a String
value but returns true
if the two values differ only by case (upper
case vs. lower case).
Subject Type: String
value : The value to compare the Subject to.
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: ${filename:equalsIgnoreCase('hello.txt')}
evaluate to true
if filename is equal to "hello.txt" or "HELLO.TXT" or
Description: The gt
function is used for numeric comparison and
returns true
if the subject is Greater Than its argument. If either the
subject or the argument cannot be coerced into a Number, this function returns
Subject Type: Number
value : The number to compare the Subject to.
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: ${fileSize:gt( 1024 )}
will return
if the size of the FlowFile’s content is more than 1 kilobyte
(1024 bytes). Otherwise, it will return false
Description: The ge
function is used for numeric comparison and
returns true
if the subject is Greater Than Or Equal To its argument.
If either the subject or the argument cannot be coerced into a Number, this function
returns false
Subject Type: Number
value : The number to compare the Subject to.
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: ${fileSize:ge( 1024 )}
will return
if the size of the FlowFile’s content is at least ( is greater
than or equal to) 1 kilobyte (1024 bytes). Otherwise, it will return
Description: The lt
function is used for numeric comparison and
returns true
if the subject is Less Than its argument. If either the
subject or the argument cannot be coerced into a Number, this function returns
Subject Type: Number
value : The number to compare the Subject to.
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: ${fileSize:lt( 1048576 )}
will return
if the size of the FlowFile’s content is less than 1 megabyte
(1048576 bytes). Otherwise, it will return false
Description: The le
function is used for numeric comparison and
returns true
if the subject is Less Than Or Equal To its argument. If
either the subject or the argument cannot be coerced into a Number, this function
returns false
Subject Type: Number
value : The number to compare the Subject to.
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: ${fileSize:le( 1048576 )}
will return
if the size of the FlowFile’s content is at most (less than or
equal to) 1 megabyte (1048576 bytes). Otherwise, it will return
Description: The and
function takes as a single argument a
Boolean value and returns true
if both the Subject and the argument are
. If either the subject or the argument is
or cannot be coerced into a Boolean, the function returns
. Typically, this is used with an embedded Expression as the
Subject Type: Boolean
condition : The right-hand-side of the 'and' Expression
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: We can check if the filename is both all lower-case and has at least 5 characters by using the Expression
${filename:toLower():equals( ${filename} ):and( ${filename:length():ge(5)} )}
Description: The or
function takes as a single argument a
Boolean value and returns true
if either the Subject or the argument is
. If both the subject and the argument are
, the function returns false
. If either the
Subject or the argument cannot be coerced into a Boolean value, this function will
return false
Subject Type: Boolean
condition : The right-hand-side of the 'and' Expression
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: The following example will return true
if either the
filename has exactly 5 characters or if the filename is all lower-case.
${filename:toLower():equals( ${filename} ):or( ${filename:length():equals(5)} )}
Description: The not
function returns the negation of the
Boolean value of the subject.
Subject Type: Boolean
Arguments: No arguments
Return Type: Boolean
Examples: We can invert the value of another function by using the
function, as
. This will return
if the filename is NOT equal to "hello.txt" and will return
if the filename is "hello.txt."
Description: Evaluates the first argument if the Subject evaluates to
, or the second argument if the Subject evaluates to
Subject Type: Boolean
EvaluateIfTrue : The value to return if the Subject is true
EvaluateIfFalse : The value to return if the Subject is false
Return Type: String
Examples: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new filename.txt", the "nullFilename" attribute has the value null, and the "bool" attribute has the value "true", then the following expressions will provide the following results:
Expression | Value |
${bool:ifElse('a','b')} |
a |
${literal(true):ifElse('a','b')} |
a |
${nullFilename:isNull():ifElse('file does not exist', 'located file')} |
file does not exist |
'not_found')} |
not_found |
'not_found')} |
not_found |
'not_found')} |
found |