Component installation and upgradePDF version

Installing NiFi using MSI file

To install NiFi on a Windows machine, review the prerequisites, download and extract the MSI file, and place it in your installation directory.

You can install a single instance of NiFi or MiNiFi on a Windows machine. Running NIFI on Windows in a clustered mode is not supported.

Before you begin your NiFi installation, be sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Install JDK 8.0 64 bit.

  • Install Java to C:/java instead of C:/Program Files.

  • Recent Windows versions mark everything in C:\Program Files as read only.

  • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable using the 8.3 style name conventions.

    For example: C:\Program\jdk1.8.0.

  • Ensure JAVA_HOME is pointing to a 64-bit JRE/JDK.

  • Ensure your system meets the minimum memory requirement for Windows which is 4GB.

  1. Extract the NiFi MSI files to the location from which you want to run the application.
    You can find the MSI file in the Windows Files section of the Download from the CFM repository documentation.
  2. Install NiFi to C:/nifi or a similar root folder.