Component installation and upgradePDF version

Starting and Stopping NiFi on Linux

Once you have downloaded and installed NiFi, you can start it by using the command appropriate for how you want to interact with NiFi. You can start NiFi in the foreground, background, or as a service.

Starting NiFi in the foreground:

Starting NiFi in the foreground will leave the application running until you press Ctrl-C. At that time, it will initiate shutdown of the application.

  1. From a terminal window, navigate to the NiFi installation directory.
  2. Enter:
    bin/ run

Starting NiFi in the background:

If you start NiFi in the background, to check the status and see if NiFi is currently running, run the command /bin/ status. To shut down NiFi, run the command bin/ stop.

  1. From a terminal window, navigate to the NiFi installation directory.
  2. Enter:
    bin/ start

Starting NiFi as a service:

Once installed, you can start and stop the NiFi service by using the appropriate commands, such as sudo service nifi start and sudo service nifi stop. Additionally, you can check the running status with sudo service nifi status.

  1. From a terminal window, enter:
    sudo service nifi start


When NiFi first starts up, the following directories are created:

  • content_repository

  • database_repository

  • flowfile_repository

  • provenance_repository

  • work directory

  • logs directory

  • Within the conf directory, the flow.xml.gz file is created

  • flow_storage

  • database

  • work

  • logs

  • run