DeploymentPDF version

Configuring NiFi Registry Metadata Stores in MySQL

Learn how to configure a MySQL database for use with NiFi Registry.

MySQL provides the option to use an externally located database that supports high availability.

  1. Download the MySQL JDBC driver and place it somewhere accessible to NiFi Registry:
  2. Create a database inside MySQL (enter mysql shell using mysql -u root -p):
    CREATE DATABASE nifi_registry;
  3. Create a database user and grant privileges (for remote users, use nifireg'@'<IP-ADDRESS> or nifireg'@'% for any remote host):
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON nifi_registry.* TO 'nifireg'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'changeme';
  4. After NiFi Registry service is installed, configure the database properties in Cloudera Manager:
    • NiFi Registry JDBC Url (nifi.registry.db.url)jdbc:mysql://<MYSQL-HOSTNAME>/nifi_registry
    • NiFi Registry JDBC Driver (nifi.registry.db.driver.class) – com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
    • NiFi Registry H2 directory storage location ( – /path/to/drivers
    • NiFi Registry Database Username (nifi.registry.db.username) – nifireg
    • NiFi Registry Database Password (nifi.registry.db.password) – changeme

When you have completed the NiFi Registry database configuration, move on to installing Cloudera Manager and your CDP Private Cloud Base Cluster.