In-place upgradePDF version

Checking pre-installation setup

You must ensure that the Ambari blueprint, that you download, contains extended hostgroups with hosts, and hosts and all hostgroups contain host entries.

  1. Download the latest Ambari blueprint and extend hostgroups with hosts.
  2. Ensure that the blueprint contains hosts included and all host groups contain host entries:
    [root@ccycloud-1 backups]# egrep '"hostname" :' /data/backups/HDFTOCDF_blueprint_with_hosts_20201103144235.json | sort
              "hostname" : "",
              "hostname" : "",
              "hostname" : "",
              "hostname" : "",
    For more details,
    egrep -C3 '"hostname" :' /data/backups/HDFTOCDF_blueprint_with_hosts_20201103144235.json
            "hosts" : [
              "hostname" : "",
              "hostipaddress" : ""
          "hosts" : [
              "hostname" : "",
              "hostipaddress" : ""
           "hosts" : [
              "hostname" : "",
              "hostipaddress" : ""
           "hosts" : [
              "hostname" : "",
              "hostipaddress" : ""