UpgradePDF version

Upgrading to CFM 2.1.4 from CFM 1.1.0

This section describes the steps of the upgrade process from CFM 1.1.0 on CDH to CFM 2.1.4 on CDP Private Cloud Base.

Before starting your CFM upgrade, it is crucial that you review the migration and upgrade options, upgrade paths, and your CDP Private Cloud Base cluster requirements to ensure that you understand and fulfill the prerequisites.

If you have CFM 1.0.x, first you need to upgrade to CFM 1.1.0.

If you have CFM 1.1.0 running on CDH 6.x, you can upgrade to CFM 2.1.5. For other upgrade scenarios, see the Upgrade paths documentation.

CFM 2.1.4 runs on the following CDP Private Cloud Base cluster versions:

  • 7.1.7
  • 7.1.7 SP1
  • 7.1.7 SP2
  • 7.1.8