Diagnostic Data Collection

To help with solving problems when using Cloudera Manager on your cluster, Cloudera Manager collects diagnostic data on a regular schedule, and automatically sends it to Cloudera.

By default Cloudera Manager is configured to collect this data weekly and to send it automatically. Cloudera analyzes this data and uses it to improve the software. If Cloudera discovers a serious issue, Cloudera searches this diagnostic data and notifies customers who might encounter problems due to the issue. You can schedule the frequency of data collection on a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule, or disable the scheduled collection of data entirely. You can also send a collected data set manually.

Automatically sending diagnostic data requires the Cloudera Manager Server host to have Internet access, and be configured for sending data automatically. If your Cloudera Manager Server does not have Internet access, you can manually send the diagnostic data.

Automatically sending diagnostic data might fail sometimes and return an error message of "Could not send data to Cloudera." To work around this issue, you can manually send the data to Cloudera Support.