Setting up Ozone on the CDP Base cluster

To access and use Ozone from Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) data service on Private Cloud, you must add and configure the Ozone service on the base cluster.

Provision an Ozone cluster based on your desired storage capacity.

  1. Log in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator.
  2. Add and configure the Ozone service on the base cluster.
  3. Enable Kerberos on the base cluster before you install the CDW data service.
    Enabling Kerberos on the base cluster automatically enables the Ozone service to use Kerberos. To verify this, go to Ozone service > Configuration. The parameter should be set to true and the parameter should be set to kerberos.
  4. SSH into the Ozone host on the base cluster as an Administrator.
  5. Obtain the tickets for the Hive or Impala user by using the Kerberos CLI kinit command.
  6. Verify the Ozone Service ID for your cluster from the Configuration tab of the Ozone service in Cloudera Manager.
  7. Verify that at least one volume and a bucket is available in Ozone by using the service ID you just verified. If a volume and a bucket does not exist, then run the following commands to create a volume in Ozone using the service ID:
    ozone sh volume create --quota=[***VOLUME-CAPACITY***] --user=[***USERNAME***] URI
    • -q, --quota: Used to specify the maximum size that a volume can occupy in the cluster. This is an optional parameter.
    • -u, --user: Used to specify the name of the user who can use the volume. The designated user can create buckets and keys inside the particular volume. This is a mandatory parameter.
    • URI: Used to specify the name of the volume to be created. Specify the URI in the following format:
    ozone sh volume create --quota=100GB --user=hrt_1 o3://vvslab/testvol
  8. Create an encrypted or a non-encrypted bucket using the service ID that you just verified by running the following commands:
    To create encrypted buckets:
    ozone sh bucket create -k [***ENCRYPTION-KEY***] [***PREFIX***]://[***SERVICE-ID]/[***VOLUME-NAME***]/[***BUCKET-NAME***]
    ozone sh bucket create -k key1 o3://vvslab/testvol/testbucketencrypted
    To create non-encrypted buckets:
    ozone sh bucket create [***PREFIX***]://[***SERVICE-ID]/[***VOLUME-NAME***]/[***BUCKET-NAME***]
    ozone sh bucket create o3://vvslab/testvol/testbucket
    22/08/10 10:25:10 INFO rpc.RpcClient: Creating Bucket: testvol/testbucket, with Versioning false and Storage Type set to DISK and Encryption set to false
  9. Verify that the bucket is created by listing the bucket as follows:
    ozone sh bucket list [***PREFIX***]://[***SERVICE-ID]/[***VOLUME-NAME***] --length=[***NUMBER-OF-BUCKETS] --prefix=[***BUCKET-PREFIX] --start=[***STARTING-BUCKET***]
    • -l, --length: Used to specify the maximum number of results to return. The default is 100.
    • -p, --prefix: Used to list the bucket names that match the specified prefix.
    • -s, --start: Used to return results starting with the bucket after the specified value.
After setting up Ozone storage on the base cluster, configure CDW to use Hive or Impala to query data residing on the Apache Ozone object store.