Fixed issues in Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud

This section lists issues fixed in this release of the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service.

DWX-13718: Unable to register UDFs in CDW using the auxiliary JARs approach
This issue has been fixed.
DWX-14014: Hue Query Processor port is hardcoded
The Hue Query Processor port is no longer hardcoded to 5432, which now allows you to connect to an external PostgreSQL database using custom ports.
DWX-13813: Unable to select or delete custom pod configurations for Impala
This issue has been fixed.
DWX-13816: Refresh option at the environment level is not functional
This issue has been fixed.
DWX-8524: Hive queries on sys.db tables may fail
This issue has been fixed.
DWX-10382: Unable to connect to the pre-upgrade Impala Virtual Warehouse using impala-shell on an Embedded Container Service (ECS) cluster
This issue has been fixed.
ENGESC-18302: Unable to collect diagnostic bundles in CDW
Earlier, there were issues pulling the diagnostic-data-generator image from the registry and deleting the diagnostic bundle collection jobs from the CDW web interface.
This issue has been fixed.
DWX-13818: Impala Virtual Warehouse showes incorrect executor count on the CDW UI when the executor is stuck in the pending state
This issue has been fixed.
DWX-13788: Hive Virtual Warehouse is stuck in stopped state and displays the hive server service is not ready warning when you refresh or update the Virtual Warehouse
This issue has been fixed.
DWX-13095: Hive Virtual Warehouse needs to be restarted after 7 days
If a Hive Virtual Warehouse ran continuously for 7 days, you may have seen that every Hive query fails with the following error: LLAP_TOKEN can’t be found in cache.
This issue has been fixed.
DWX-13564: Remove cleartext passwords from CDW configurations
CDW configurations such as,,, ssl.client.truststore.password, and so on now obtain the passwords from the keystore secret and no longer have passwords in cleartext.

This makes CDW more secure because passwords are not visible or configurable from the CDW web interface.

DWX-13646: Unable to create Database Catalogs or Virtual Warehouses by specifying the image version using CDP CLI commands
Creating Database Catalogs or Virtual Warehouses using CDP CLI commands while specifying the image version is not supported in CDW on Private Cloud. The CDP CLI 0.9.76 release and the corresponding reference documentation have been updated to reflect this change. Also, you get the following message when you try this: The argument .imageVersion is not available under the private CDP form factor. It is only available for these form factors: public. Check that your profile configuration or explicit endpoint URL points to the correct control plane.
This issue has been fixed.