Submitting queries with Hue

You can write and edit queries for Hive or Impala Virtual Warehouses in the Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) service by using Hue.

Required role: DWUser

Hue uses your LDAP credentials that you have configured for the CDP cluster.

  1. Log into the CDP web interface and navigate to the Data Warehouse service.
  2. In the Data Warehouse service, navigate to the Overview page.
  3. To run Impala queries:
    1. On the Overview page under Virtual Warehouses, click the options menu in the upper right corner of an Impala Virtual Warehouse tile, and select Open Hue.
      The query editor is displayed:

    2. Click a database to view the tables it contains.
      When you click a database, it sets it as the target of your query in the main query editor panel.
    3. Type a query in the editor panel and click the run icon to run the query.
      You can also run multiple queries by selecting them and clicking .
  4. To run Hive queries:
    1. On the Overview page under Virtual Warehouses, click the options menu in the upper right corner of a Hive Virtual Warehouse tile, and select Open Hue.
      The Hive query editor is displayed:

    2. Click a database to view the tables it contains.
      When you click a database, it sets it as the target of your query in the main query editor panel.
    3. Type a query in the editor panel and click the run icon to run the query.
      You can also run multiple queries by selecting them and clicking .