Viewing environment details in Cloudera Data Warehouse Private Cloud

This topic describes how to view details of an environment created on an OpenShift cluster in Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW) Private Cloud.

You can view environment details without leaving the CDW Private Cloud service UI. Accessing the Environment Details page also enables you to edit the description of the environment.

You must activate an environment before you can view its details. See "Activating environments," which is linked to in the "Related information" section at the bottom of this page.

  1. In the CDW Data Service, expand the Environments column by clicking the Moreā€¦ menu on the left side of the page.
  2. In the Environments column, click the search icon and locate the environment you want to view.
  3. When you locate the environment you want to view, click the edit icon in the upper right corner of the tile. This launches the Environment Details page.
  4. In the Environment Details page, you can view information about the environment, like when it was created and last updated, or how many Database Catalogs and Virtual Warehouses use the environment.
  5. If you changed the environment description, click Apply in the upper right corner of the page to save it.