
Apache Atlas provides data governance capabilities for Hadoop. Apache Atlas serves as a common metadata store that is designed to exchange metadata both within and outside of the Hadoop stack. Close integration of Atlas with Apache Ranger enables you to define, administer, and manage security and compliance policies consistently across all components of the Hadoop stack. Atlas provides metadata and lineage to Data Steward Studio to support curating data across enterprise data.

Searching with Metadata
Use the metadata Atlas collects and metadata you add to effectively find entities.
Working with Classifications and Labels
How to use Apache Atlas to search for, annotate, classify, and manage data.
Exploring using Lineage
Lineage offers insight into where data came from and how to determine the impact of changes to data assets.
Managing Business Terms with Atlas Glossaries
Collecting your organization's terms in Atlas helps you build a search index to easily find the data assets you are looking for.
Configuring and Securing Atlas using Cloudera Manager
Configure Atlas' authentication and authorization through Cloudera Manager and using access policies in Apache Ranger.