Known Issues in Apache Atlas

This topic describes known issues and workarounds for using Atlas in this release of Cloudera Runtime.

Bridge importing metadata from HBase fails when it encounters an HBase table for which a column family was previously dropped. The error indicates:
Metadata service API org.apache.atlas.AtlasClientV2$API_V2@58112bc4 failed with status 404 (Not Found) Response Body ({"errorCode":"ATLAS-404-00-007","errorMessage":"Invalid instance creation/updation parameters passed : hbase_column_family.table: mandatory attribute value missing in type hbase_column_family"})
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-7982
Lineage info for HBase not available in a TLS-enabled environment
Atlas will not collect metadata from HBase (namespaces, tables, or column families) when Cloudera Manager is configured for TLS/SSL. This issue has no effect on HBase functionality, however, tag-based authorization through Ranger policies will not be available for HBase.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: OPSAPS-53788
Hive Default Database Location Incorrect in Atlas Metadata
The location of the default Hive database as reported through the HMS-Atlas plugin does not match the actual location of the database. This problem does not affect non-default databases.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-6042
Unexpected Search Results When Using Regular Expressions in Basic Searches on Classifications
When you include a regular expression or wildcard in the search criteria for a classification in the Basic Search, the results may differ unexpectedly from when full classification names are included. For example, the Exclude sub-classifications option is respected when using a full classification name as the search criteria; when using part of the classification name and the wildcard (*) with Exclude sub-classifications turned off, entities marked with sub-classifications are not included in the results. Other instances of unexpected results include case-sensitivity.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-5933, CDPD-5931
Atlas custom properties ignored in client services
When adding a custom property for the in Atlas hook-based services such as Hive, HBase, and Impala, the custom property is not reflected in the actual configuration file that Cloudera Manager generates, causing these properties to be ignored.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: OPSAPS-51224
Unexpected Results from Atlas Advanced Search Query with Underscore Character
An Atlas Advanced Search with an equal operator (=) and a like operator where the like object includes an underscore does not return correct results. For example, the following search does not return expected results: : "=" finance and QualifiedName :"like" *finance_09*
However, each part of the query run separately or the same query without the underscore return results as expected.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-5314
Spark metadata order may affect lineage
Atlas may record unexpected lineage relationships when metadata collection from the Spark Atlas Connector occurs out of sequence from metadata collection from HMS. For example, if an ALTER TABLE operation in Spark changing a table name and is reported to Atlas before HMS has processed the change, Atlas may not show the correct lineage relationships to the altered table.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-4762
Searches for Qualified Names with "@" doesn't fetch the correct results
When searching Atlas qualifiedName values that include an "at" character (@), Atlas does not return the expected results or generate appropriate search suggestions.
Workaround: Consider leaving out the portion of the search string that includes the @ sign, using the wildcard character * instead.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-4545
Missing Impala and Spark lineage between tables and their data files
Atlas does not create lineage between Hive tables and their backing HDFS files for CTAS processes run in Impala or Spark.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDP-5027, CDPD-3700, IMPALA-9070
Table alias values are not found in search
When table names are changed, Atlas keeps the old name of the table in a list of aliases. These values are not included in the search index in this release, so after a table name is changed, searching on the old table name will not return the entity for the table.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-3208
Hive lineage missing for INSERT OVERWRITE queries
Lineage is not generated for Hive INSERT OVERWRITE queries on partitioned tables. Lineage is generated as expected for CTAS queries from partitioned tables.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-3160
Logging out of Atlas does not manage the external authentication
At this time, Atlas does not communicate a log-out event with the external authentication management, Apache Knox. When you log out of Atlas, you can still open the instance of Atlas from the same web browser without re-authentication.
Workaround: To prevent access to Atlas after logging out, close all browser windows and exit the browser.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-3125
Ranking of top results in free-text search not intuitive
The Free-text search feature ranks results based on which attributes match the search criteria. The attribute ranking is evolving and therefore the choice of top results may not be intuitive in this release.
Workaround: If you don't find what you need in the top 5 results, use the full results or refine the search.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-1892
Free text search in Atlas is case sensitive
The free text search bar in the top of the screen allows you to search across entity types and through all text attributes for all entities. The search shows the top 5 results that match the search terms at any place in the text (*term* logic). It also shows suggestions that match the search terms that begin with the term (term* logic). However, in this release, the search results are case-sensitive.
Workaround: If you don't see the results you expect, repeat the search changing the case of the search terms.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-1884
Queries with ? wildcard return unexpected results
DSL queries in Advanced Search return incorrect results when the query text includes a question mark (?) wildcard character. This problem occurs in environments where trusted proxy for Knox is enabled, which is always the case for CDP.
Workaround: None.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-1823
Guest users are redirected incorrectly
Authenticated users logging in to Atlas are redirected to the CDP Knox-based login page. However, if a guest user (without Atlas privileges) attempts to log in to Atlas, the user is redirected instead to the Atlas login page.
Workaround: To avoid this problem, open the Atlas Dashboard in a private or incognito browser window.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-1664
All Spark Queries from the Same Spark Session are Included in a Single Atlas Process
A Spark session can include multiple queries. When Atlas reports the Spark metadata, it creates a single process entity to correspond to the Spark session. The result is that an Atlas lineage picture may show multiple input entities or multiple output entities from a process that are only related by the fact that they were included in operations in the same Spark session. The consequence of this behavior is that classifications will be propagated from any input entity to all output entities, even if the output entities aren't derived from the input entity.
Workaround: you can manually stop classification propagation to the inappropriate entity or choose not to propagate classifications that might be used in these scenarios.
Cloudera JIRA: CDPD-372