Configure the resource-based Ranger service used for authorization

Learn how to configure the resource-based Ranger service used by Kafka for authorization.

You can configure which resource-based service in Ranger is used by Kafka for authorization. This is controlled by the Ranger service name for this Kafka cluster property which can be set in Cloudera Manager. The property by default is set to cm_kafka. Configuring this property can prove useful when you have multiple Kafka clusters that use the same Ranger service for authorization, but you want to define unique Ranger policies for each Kafka cluster.

Make sure that the resource-based service you want to use exists within Ranger. If not, create it via the Ranger Console's Service Manager page.

  1. In Cloudera Manager select the Kafka service.
  2. Select Configuration and find the Ranger service name for this Kafka cluster property.
  3. Enter the name of the resource-based service that you want to use for authorization.
  4. Click Save Changes.
  5. Restart the Kafka service.
The selected resource-based service is configured and will be used by Kafka for authorization.