This release provides Atlas 1.0.0 and the listed Apache patches.
- ATLAS-2438: fix errors found in sitecheck -
ATLAS-2523: Add HomeId and allow GUIDs to be specified on creates
ATLAS-2736: doc updated to replace reference to github with a link to download released artifacts
ATLAS-2745: AtlasEnumDefStore should remember default value
ATLAS-2785: Import Hive script should handle table name with database in -t option
ATLAS-2786: Honor ZK server ensemble provided in configuration
ATLAS-2788: Add policy permissions for tagsync user.
ATLAS-2793: updated AtlasClient approach of determining if kerberos authentication is enabled or not
ATLAS-2794: updated AtlasClient to explicitly specify JacksonJaxbJsonProvider
ATLAS-2801: Create a separate tar file for atlas-server components excluding atlas hook related components
ATLAS-2807: Re-evaluate classification propagation during entity delete
ATLAS-2808: Add proxy support
ATLAS-2809: updated authorization model to authorize add/update/remove of relationships
ATLAS-2812: Upgrade commons-fileupload to 1.3.3
ATLAS-2815: API, UI updates for faster rendering of entity details
ATLAS-2816: Allow ignoring relationship in EntityGraphRetriever for FullTextMapperV2
ATLAS-2817: Handle auto upgrade from janus 0.2.0 to janus 0.3.0
ATLAS-2817: Update Janusgraph artifact id
ATLAS-2817: JanusGraph 0.3.0
ATLAS-2819: UI: Re-evaluate classification propagation during entity delete
ATLAS-2821: Update old atlas-simple-authz-policy.json file with relationship permission attributes
ATLAS-2822: Provide option whether to delete propagated classification on entity delete during add classification
ATLAS-2823: updated hooks to support asynchronous notifications
ATLAS-2825: UI: Provide option whether to delete propagated classification on entity delete during add classification
ATLAS-2826: fix for failure in authorizing save-search operation.
ATLAS-2827: Indexed string compaction when length exceeds 33482223
ATLAS-2830: Tag Propagation, Entity Delete : Classification update notification not sent to entities down the lineage present after the deleted entity
ATLAS-2834: Init authorizer when Atlas is in HA mode
ATLAS-2835: Regression: Classifications propagated from term is not removed during term-entity disassociation
ATLAS-2836: Remove redundant encoding of vertex property keys ATLAS-2838: Replace GraphHelper.encodeProperty() with AtlasGraphUtilsV2.encodeProperty()
ATLAS-2840: Regression - Tag Propagation, Deleted Entity : When an entity is deleted, tags propagated to it are removed
HDP 3.0.0 provided Atlas 1.0.0 and the following Apache patches:
ATLAS-2740: Updated script to populate values for missed HBase column-family attributes.
ATLAS-2751: Atlas is not consuming messages from ATLAS_HOOK topic after recovering from zookeeper connection timeout.