Apache NiFi Registry REST API ReferencePDF version

4.1. AccessPolicy

Name Description Schema

action required

The action associated with this access policy.Example : "string"

enum (read, write, delete)

configurable optional read-only

Indicates if this access policy is configurable, based on which Authorizer has been configured to manage it.Example : true


identifier optional read-only

The id of the policy. Set by server at creation time.Example : "string"


resource required

The resource for this access policy.Example : "string"


revision optional

The revision of this entity used for optimistic-locking during updates.Example: "RevisionInfo"


userGroups optional

The set of user group IDs associated with this access policy.Example: [ "Tenant" ]

< Tenant > array

users optional

The set of user IDs associated with this access policy.Example: [ "Tenant" ]

< Tenant > array

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