Known Issues in Streaming Analytics

Learn about the known issues in Streaming Analytics clusters, the impact or changes to the functionality, and the workaround.

There are no known Streaming Analytics issues in Cloudera DataFlow for Data Hub 7.2.11.

SQL Stream Builder

There is an authentication issue when accessing Streaming SQL Console
When using environments with assigned public IP addresses, Knox cannot authenticate the domain to reach the Streaming SQL Console. This causes an error, and you cannot access the User Interface of SQL Stream Builder.
For more information and for a workaround to solve this issue, contact your Cloudera sales representative.
CSA-1232: Big numbers are incorrectly represented on the Streaming SQL Console UI
The issue impacts the following scenarios in Streaming SQL Console:
  • When having integers bigger than 253-1 among your values, the Input transformations and User Defined Functions are considered unsafe and produce incorrect results as these numbers will lose precision during parsing.
  • When having integers bigger than 253-1 among your values, sampling to the Streaming SQL Console UI produces incorrect results as these numbers will lose precision during parsing.
CSA-1454: Timezone settings can cause unexpected behavior in Kafka tables
You must consider the timezone settings of your environment when using timestamps in a Kafka table as it can affect the results of your query. When the timestamp in a query is identified with from_unixtime, it returns the results based on the timezone of the system. If the timezone is not set in UTC+0, the timestamp of the query results will shift in time and will not be correct.
Change your local timezone settings to UTC+0.
CSA-3742: Catalogs are not working due to expired Kerberos TGT
When SSB is running for a longer period of time than the lifetime of the Kerberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT), authentication with the catalog services will fail and the catalogs stop working.