Creating tables with Flink DDL in SSB

You can query your streaming data using Flink DDL in SQL Stream Builder (SSB). When using Flink DDL, you can use Kudu, Hive, Schema Registry and custom catalogs to create tables and views. There are also predefined templates that you only need to fill out with the connection information. When using Kudu, Hive and Schema Registry catalog, you need to create a Streams Messaging, Real-time Data Mart or Data Engineering cluster within your environment, and navigate through the Streaming SQL Console to output the queried results into a preferable sink.

  • You have prepared your environment based on the checklist in the Prepare your environment section.
  • You have set Ranger policies for Flink and SSB.
  • You have created a Streams Messaging, Real-time Data Mart or Data Engineering cluster in your environment.
  • You have tables in Kudu, Hive and added a schema to Schema Registry.