Using Apache HBase Backup and Disaster RecoveryPDF version

Restore a snapshot

You can use the restore-snapshot command to import a snapshot automatically from the snapshot location. This command restores a snapshot and deletes it afterward.

cdp opdb restore-snapshot --environment-name ENVIRONMENT_NAME --database-name DATABASE_NAME --snapshot-name SNAPSHOT_NAME --target-environment-name TARGET_ENVIRONMENT_NAME --target-database-name TARGET_DATABASE_NAME


The name of the original CDP environment.


The name of the original operational database.


The name of the snapshot to be restored.


The name of the target environment where the snapshot should be restored.


The name of the target database where the snapshot should be restored.

cdp opdb restore-snapshot --environment-name odx-wgel6j --database-name test --snapshot-name s2 --target-environment-name odx-wgel6j --target-database-name test
JSON output:
    "environmentName": "odx-wgel6j",
    "databaseName": "test",
    "snapshotName": "s2",
    "targetEnvironmentName": "odx-wgel6j",
    "targetDatabaseName": "test",
    "status": "IN_PROGRESS",
    "restoreTime": 1662036779279,
    "commandID": 1546336475

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