Apache Impala ReferencePDF version

Min/Max Filtering

This feature is available for users of Cloudera Data Warehouse release August 27, 2021 or later. In addition to filtering at the partition level, the Parquet file format supports filtering at three levels: row group, page and row levels based on the minimum and maximum values of row group or page, and the value of the row in the file. These minimum/maximum column values are stored in the footer of the file. If the range between the minimum and maximum value in the file does not overlap with the range of data specified by the query, then the system skips the row group, page or row during scans.

CDW August 27, 2021 release enables min/max filters, by default, for equi-joins on lexical (leading column) or Z-Order (all columns) sorted columns in a Parquet table created by Impala. When such a sorted column is also the equi- join column, the min/max values in the filter are computed from the hash table build side and applied to the sorted column. In this way, the user can take advantage of Impala sorting the min/max values in column index in each data file for the table by quickly eliminating non-matching row groups, pages or rows. The query option minmax_filter_sorted_columns which defaults to true can be used to control the feature. When minmax_filter_sorted_columns is true, the patch will generate min/max filters only for the sort columns. The normal control knobs minmax_filter_threshold (for threshold) and minmax_filtering_level (for filtering level) will also continue to work. When the threshold is 0, the patch automatically assigns a reasonable value for the threshold, and selects PAGE to be the filtering level.

In the backend, the skipped pages are quickly found by taking a fast code path to identify the corresponding lower and the upper bounds in the sorted min and max value arrays, given a range in the filter. The skipped pages are expressed as page ranges which are translated into row ranges later on.

A new query option minmax_filter_fast_code_path is added to control the work of the fast code path. This option can be assigned one of these three values ON (default), OFF, or VERIFICATION. The last value helps verify that the results from both the fast and the regular code path are the same.

The following example shows how min/max filtering on leading sort-by columns improves the performance of scan operators greatly.
select straight_join a.l_orderkey from
    simpflified_lineitem a join [SHUFFLE] tpch_parquet.lineitem b
    where a.l_orderkey = b.l_orderkey and b.l_receiptdate = "1998-12-31"

When this query is run on pages containing no more than 24000 rows, the results with different filtering options are as shown here:

  • 84.62ms (page level filtering)
  • 115.27ms (row group level filtering)
  • 137.14ms (no filtering)

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