Using Apache ZeppelinPDF version

Launch Zeppelin

Use the following steps to launch Apache Zeppelin.

To launch Zeppelin in your browser:
  1. In the Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Management Console, go to Data Hub Clusters.
  2. Find and select the cluster you want to use.
  3. Click the Zeppelin link.

When you first connect to Zeppelin, you will see the home page:

The following menus are available in the top banner of all Zeppelin pages:

  • Notebook

    Open a note, filter the list of notes by name, or create a note:

  • User settings

    Displays your username, or "anonymous" if security is not configured for Zeppelin.

    • List version information about Zeppelin

    • Review interpreter settings and configure, add, or remove interpreter instances

    • Save credentials for data sources

    • Display configuration settings

Each instance of Zeppelin contains "notes", which are the fundamental elements of a Zeppelin notebook.

Zeppelin lists available notes on the left side of the welcome screen and in the "Notebook" menu. Zeppelin ships with several sample notes, including tutorials:

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