Streams Replication Manager OverviewPDF version

Task architecture and load-balancing

Learn how tasks are distributed and how load is balanced by the Streams Replication Manager Drivers that are running in the same cluster.

Streams Replication Manager Driver roles (SRM Driver) of the same cluster share the load of the replications among each other. They utilize the task load balancing of the Connect framework. Each Connector in a replication creates a set of task configurations. The number of tasks depend on the replicated topic partitions, groups, and the Tasks Max configuration of SRM. These task instances provide a way to parallelize the work in an SRM replication. After the Connectors create the task configurations, the Connect framework distributes the tasks between the SRM Drivers. More specifically, between the Connect workers running in the SRM Drivers corresponding to a specific replication flow. The task instances are as follows:

The MirrorSourceTask is created by the MirrorSourceConnector. It is responsible for executing data replication. A MirrorSourceTask wraps a consumer and a producer instance. The consumer instance is managed by the task. The producer instance is managed by the Connect framework.

Each task receives its assignment from the MirrorSourceConnector as a list of topic partitions. These are assigned to the consumer. The fetched records are then forwarded to the producer. The target topic name is generated based on the ReplicationPolicy.

The number of MirrorSourceTasks created in a replication is based on the following formula:
 min(tasks.max, source_topic_partition_count)
In this formula, tasks.max corresponds to what Tasks Max is set to in SRM's configuration. The source_topic_partition_count is the number of replicated topic partitions, which is based on the topic allow and deny lists configured with the srm-control tool.

The MirrorCheckpointTask is created by the MirrorCheckpointConnector. It responsible for executing the consumer group offset sync. A MirrorCheckpointTask wraps an admin client and a producer instance. The admin client is managed by the task. The producer instance is managed by the Connect framework.

Each task receives its assignment from the MirrorCheckpointConnector as a list of consumer groups. The assigned consumer group offsets are periodically queried for the replicated topic partitions through the admin client, and are written into the target cluster’s checkpoints topic. The replicated offsets can also be applied to the consumer groups in the target cluster by setting to true.

The number of MirrorCheckpointTasks created in a replication flow is based on the following formula:
min(tasks.max, source_consumer_group_count)
In this formula, tasks.max corresponds to what Tasks Max is set to in SRM's configuration. The source_consumer_group_count is the number of replicated consumer groups, which is based on the group allow and deny lists configured with the srm-control tool.

The MirrorHeartbeatTask is created by the MirrorHeartbeatConnector. It is responsible for producing heartbeats into the target cluster’s heartbeats topic. A MirrorHeartbeatTask wraps a producer instance that is managed by the Connect framework. In each replication, there is a single MirrorHeartbeatTask instance.

Multiple Connect workers participate in each replication. This typically means that each SRM Driver of the cluster has one Connect worker dedicated to a specific replication.

After the Connect group is formed by the Connect workers, the Connectors are instantiated and task configurations are generated. This results in three Connectors, a number of MirrorSourceTasks and MirrorCheckpointTasks, as well as a MirrorHeartbeatTask. For a newly formed group, these Connectors and task instances are assigned to the Connect workers in a round robin fashion. When the group already has an existing assignment, and there is membership change (for example, a Connect worker joins or leaves the group), the Connectors and tasks are assigned in a cooperative and incremental manner. This allows for the majority of the work to continue without interruption.

Unless there are no changes made to the task configurations, meaning that no new topics and groups are added to the replication, the task definitions stay the same. However, based on Connect group membership changes, the tasks can be moved between workers. With classic Connect, these tasks can be managed separately through an admin API, but in the case of SRM, this API is not available, and tasks can only be restarted by restarting the SRM Driver cluster.

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