Cloudera Runtime Release NotesPDF version

Fixed Issues in Apache Ranger

Review the list of Ranger issues that are resolved in Cloudera Runtime 7.2.14.

CDPD-28752: Provided sorting on specific columns on policy and on audit listing page.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-31371: Added RAZ policy for RAZ Azure datalake auto backup/ restore.
This issue is resolved.
CDPD-17304: Make Ranger Solr audit collection storage configurable via CM.
Made changes to use the custom config set zip file to create the config-set which is used by Ranger Admin start script to create the collection, previously config-set location was fixed. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-21398: Ranger end to use the first PrivateKeyEntry in a keystore
After the fix Ranger Admin now allows user to customise the private keystore instead of using the default value. This issue is resolved.
CDPD-27138: Enhance Ranger admin REST Client to use cookie for policy, tag and role download.
Apache Ranger REST Client to download policies, tags and roles from Ranger admin will use cookie session. Earlier each of the plugin has to do kerberos login to get a TGT to download policy, tags and roles. With this feature Session Cookie is enabled by default in RangerAdminClient and it will be used instead of hitting KDC for TGT for validating the user. This improve performance as well and reduce the load on KDC.
CDPD-29866: Ranger admin REST Client is not using cookie by default.
This issue was caused because a feature build in was ported to and this JIRA resolved it.
  • RANGER-3334
  • RANGER-3276
  • RANGER-3519
  • RANGER-3535
  • RANGER-2634
  • RANGER-3490
  • RANGER-3512
  • RANGER-3520
  • RANGER-3504
  • RANGER-3503
  • RANGER-3481
  • RANGER-3518
  • RANGER-3515
  • RANGER-3514
  • RANGER-3505
  • RANGER-3533
  • RANGER-3023

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