Securing HuePDF version

Creating a group in Hue

By creating groups, you can club certain permissions that you want to assign to specific users in your organization.

  1. Sign in to the Hue UI as a superuser.
  2. From the left assist panel, point your cursor to the user profile icon and click Manage Users.

    The User Admin page is displayed.
  3. From the User Admin page, go to the Groups tab.
    The Groups page displays the list of existing groups, if any.
  4. Click Add group.
  5. On the Create group page, specify a name for your group.
  6. (Optional) You can select the users that you want to add to this group.
  7. Select the permissions that you want to associate with the group and click Add group.
    The newly added group is displayed on the Groups page along with the list of members and permissions associated with it.

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