Apache Impala ReferencePDF version

Ports Used by Impala

Impala uses the TCP ports listed in the following table.

Before deploying Impala, ensure these ports are open on each system. You can use the corresponding settings in Cloudera Manager to overwrite the default port numbers.

Scope Cloudera Manager Setting / Startup Flag Default Port Comment
Impala Daemon Impala Daemon Frontend Port


21000 Port on which Beeswax client requests are served by Impala Daemons.
Impala Daemon Impala Daemon Frontend Port


21050 Port on which HiveServer2 client requests are served by Impala Daemons.
Impala Daemon Impala Daemon Backend Port


22000 Internal use only. Impala daemons use this port to communicate with each other.
Impala Daemon StateStoreSubscriber Service Port


23000 Internal use only. Impala daemons listen on this port for updates from the StateStore daemon.
Catalog Daemon StateStoreSubscriber Service Port


23020 Internal use only. The catalog daemon listens on this port for updates from the StateStore daemon.
Impala Daemon Impala Daemon HTTP Server Port


25000 Impala debug Web UI for administrators to monitor and troubleshoot.
Impala StateStore Daemon StateStore HTTP Server Port


25010 StateStore debug Web UI for administrators to monitor and troubleshoot.
Impala Catalog Daemon Catalog HTTP Server Port


25020 Catalog Server debug Web UI for administrators to monitor and troubleshoot.
Impala StateStore Daemon StateStore Service Port


24000 Internal use only. The StateStore daemon listens on this port for registration/unregistration requests.
Impala Catalog Daemon Catalog Service Port


26000 Internal use only. The catalog service uses this port to communicate with the Impala daemons.
Impala Daemon KRPC Port


27000 Internal use only. Impala daemons use this port for KRPC based communication with each other.
Impala Daemon HiveServer2 HTTP Port


28000 Used to transmit commands and receive results by client applications over HTTP via the HiveServer2 protocol.

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