Using Hive Metastore with Apache KuduPDF version

Databases and Table Names

When Hive Matastore (HMS) integration is enabled in Kudu, both the namespace and table names properties change to match the HMS model.

With the Hive Metastore integration disabled, Kudu presents tables as a single flat namespace, with no hierarchy or concept of a database. Additionally, Kudu's only restriction on table names is that they be a valid UTF-8 encoded string. When the HMS integration is enabled in Kudu, both of these properties change in order to match the HMS model: the table name must indicate the table's membership of a Hive database, and table name identifiers (i.e. the table name and database name) are subject to the Hive table name identifier constraints.

Hive has the concept of a database, which is a collection of individual tables. Each database forms its own independent namespace of table names.

In order to fit into this model, Kudu tables must be assigned a database when the HMS integration is enabled. No new APIs have been added to create or delete databases, nor are there APIs to assign an existing Kudu table to a database. Instead, a new convention has been introduced that Kudu table names must be in the format <hive-database-name>.<hive-table-name>. Thus, databases are an implicit part of the Kudu table name. By including databases as an implicit part of the Kudu table name, existing applications that use Kudu tables can operate on non-HMS-integrated and HMS-integrated table names with minimal or no changes.

Kudu provides no additional tooling to create or drop Hive databases. Administrators or users should use existing Hive tools such as the Beeline Shell or Impala to do so.

When the Hive Metastore integration is enabled, the database and table names of Kudu tables must follow the Hive Metastore naming constraints. Namely, the database and table name must contain only alphanumeric ASCII characters and underscores.

When the Hive configuration is true, the forward-slash (/) character in table name identifiers (i.e. the table name and database name) is also supported.

Additionally, the Hive Metastore does not enforce case sensitivity for table name identifiers. As such, when enabled, Kudu will follow suit and disallow tables from being created when one already exists whose table name identifier differs only by case. Operations that open, alter, or drop tables will also be case-insensitive for the table name identifiers.

When the Hive Metastore integration is enabled, Kudu will automatically synchronize metadata changes to Kudu tables between Kudu and the HMS. As such, it is important to always ensure that the Kudu and HMS have a consistent view of existing tables, using the administrative tools. Failure to do so may result in issues like Kudu tables not being discoverable or usable by external, HMS-aware components (e.g. Apache Sentry, Apache Impala).

The Hive Metastore automatically creates directories for Kudu tables. These directories are benign and can safely be ignored.

Impala has notions of internal and external Kudu tables. When dropping an internal table from Impala, the table's data is dropped in Kudu; in contrast when dropping an external table, the table's data is not dropped in Kudu. External tables may refer to tables by names that are different from the names of the underlying Kudu tables, while internal tables must use the same names as those stored in Kudu. Additionally, multiple external tables may refer to the same underlying Kudu table. Thus, since external tables may not map one-to-one with Kudu tables, the Hive Metastore integration and tooling will only automatically synchronize metadata for internal tables.

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