Managing and Allocating Cluster Resources using Capacity SchedulerPDF version

Setting maximum parallel application limits

You can set the maximum number of applications limits for all queues, all users, and at the user level. The maximum parallel application limit is inherited from the “root” queue level and is lowered down in the queue hierarchy. The limit is checked in the queue hierarchy and the lowest value is applied as the limit.

  1. In Cloudera Manager, select Clusters > YARN Queue Manager UI service. A graphical queue hierarchy is displayed in the Overview tab.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Specify the application limits:
    • Maximum Parallel Applications: All Queues - specifies the maximum number of applications that can run at the same time for any queue that does not override it with the per queue level setting.

    • Maximum Parallel Applications: All Users - specifies the maximum number of applications that can run at the same time for all the users. This limit is overridden based on the per user limit.

    • Maximum Parallel Applications: Per User - specifies parallel running application limit for the specified user. Click + to add more users and their application limits.

  4. Click Save.

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