Using Apache HivePDF version

Setting up the development environment

You can create a Hive UDF in a development environment using IntelliJ, for example, and build the UDF. You define the Cloudera Maven Repository in your POM, which accesses necessary JARS hadoop-common-<version>.jar and hive-exec-<version>.jar.

  1. Open IntelliJ and create a new Maven-based project. Click Create New Project. Select Maven and the supported Java version as the Project SDK. Click Next.
  2. Add archetype information.
    For example:
    • GroupId: com.mycompany.hiveudf
    • ArtifactId: hiveudf
  3. Click Next and Finish.
    The generated pom.xml appears in sample-hiveudf.
  4. To the pom.xml, add properties to facilitate versioning.
    For example:
  5. In the pom.xml, define the repositories.
    Use internal repositories if you do not have internet access.
          <name>HDP Releases</name>
          <name>Public Hortonworks Maven Repo</name>
  6. Define dependencies.
    For example:

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