Integrating Apache Hive with Spark and KafkaPDF version

HWC limitations

You need to be aware of HWC limitations, including Kerberos properties that are not allowed, and unsupported operations and connections. These limitations are in addition to Direct Reader mode, JDBC mode, and HWC and DataFrames API limitations.

General HWC limitations are:

  • The spark and livy thrift servers are not supported.
  • The Hive Union types are not supported.
  • HWC supports only Spark 2 (2.4.8 in the current CDP releases). HWC does not work with Spark 3 even if it is deployed from the Cloudera parcel.

Workaround for using the Hive Warehouse Connector with Oozie Spark action

Hive and Spark use different Thrift versions and are incompatible with each other. Upgrading Thrift in Hive is complicated and may not be resolved in the near future. Therefore, Thrift packages are shaded inside the HWC JAR to make Hive Warehouse Connector work with Spark and Oozie Spark action. See the workaround in Cloudera Oozie documentation.

Secured cluster configurations

Set the following configurations in a secured cluster:

  • --conf ""
  • --conf "spark.sql.hive.hiveserver2.jdbc.url.principal=hive/_HOST@ROOT.HWX.SITE"

    The jdbc url must not contain the jdbc url principal and must be passed as shown here.

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