Apache Impala SQL ReferencePDF version

SHUTDOWN statement

The SHUTDOWN statement performs a graceful shutdown of Impala Daemon. The Impala daemon will notify other Impala daemons that it is shutting down, wait for a grace period, then shut itself down once no more queries or fragments are executing on that daemon. The --shutdown_grace_period_s flag determines the duration of the grace period in seconds.


:SHUTDOWN([host_name[:port_number] )
:SHUTDOWN([host_name[:port_number], deadline)

Usage notes:

All arguments are optional for SHUTDOWN.

Argument Type Default Description
host_name STRING The current impalad host to whom the SHUTDOWN statement is submitted.

Address of the impalad to be shut down.

port_number INT
  • In Impala 3.1, the current impalad's port used for the thrift based communication with other impalads (by default, 22000).
  • In Impala 3.2 and higher, the current impalad's port used for the KRPC based communication with other impalads (by default, 27000).
Specifies the port by which the impalad can be contacted.
  • In Impala 3.1, use the same impalad port used for the thrift based inter-Impala communication.
  • In Impala 3.2 and higher, use the same impalad port used for the KRPC based inter-Impala communication.
deadline INT The value of the ‑‑shutdown_deadline_s flag, which defaults to 1 hour. deadline must be a non-negative number, specified in seconds.

The value, 0, for deadline specifies an immediate shutdown.

Take the following points into consideration when running the SHUTDOWN statement:

  • A client can shut down the coordinator impalad that it is connected to via :SHUTDOWN().
  • A client can remotely shut down any impalad via :SHUTDOWN('hostname').
  • The shutdown time limit can be overridden to force a quicker or slower shutdown by specifying a deadline. The default deadline is determined by the --shutdown_deadline_s flag, which defaults to 1 hour.
  • The executors can be shut down without disrupting running queries. Short-running queries will finish, and long-running queries will continue until the deadline is reached.
  • If queries are submitted to a coordinator after shutdown of that coordinator has started, they will fail.
  • Long running queries or other issues, such as stuck fragments, will slow down but not prevent eventual shutdown.

Security considerations:

The ALL privilege is required on the server.

Cancellation: Cannot be cancelled.


:SHUTDOWN(); -- Shut down the current impalad  with the default deadline.
:SHUTDOWN('hostname'); --  Shut down impalad running on hostname  with the default deadline.
:SHUTDOWN(\"hostname:1234\"); -- Shut down impalad running on host at port 1234  with the default deadline.
:SHUTDOWN(10); - Shut down the current impalad after 10 seconds.
:SHUTDOWN('hostname', 10); - Shut down impalad running on hostname when all queries running on hostname finish, or after 10 seconds.
:SHUTDOWN('hostname:11', 10 * 60); -- Shut down impalad running on hostname at port 11 when all queries running on hostname finish, or after 600 seconds.
:SHUTDOWN(0); -- Perform an immdediate shutdown of the current impalad.

Added in: Impala 3.1

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