Managing Apache HBasePDF version

Stop HBase

You can stop HBase clusters or individual hosts following these instructions.

If you want to stop a single RegionServer, do the following:
  1. In Cloudera Manager, select the HBase service.
  2. Click the Instance tab.
  3. From the list of Role Instances, select the RegionServer or RegionServers you want to stop.
  4. Select Actions for Selected.
  5. Select Stop.
    Stop happens immediately and does not redistribute the regions. It issues a SIGTERM(kill -5) signal.
If you want to stop a single HMaster, do the following:
  1. In Cloudera Manager, select the HBase service.
  2. Click the Instance tab.
  3. From the list of Role Instances, select the HMaster or HMasters you want to stop.
  4. Select Actions for Selected.
  5. Select Stop.
    Stop happens immediately and does not redistribute the regions. It issues a SIGTERM(kill -5) signal.
If you want to stop the entire cluster, do the following:
  1. In Cloudera Manager, select the HBase service.
  2. Click the Actions button.
  3. Select Stop.

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