Apache Impala ReferencePDF version

Using Avro Data Files

Impala supports creating and querying Avro tables. You need to use Hive to insert data into Avro tables.

To create a new table using the Avro file format, use the STORED AS AVRO clause in the CREATE TABLE statement. If you create the table through Impala, you must include column definitions that match the fields specified in the Avro schema. With Hive, you can omit the columns and just specify the Avro schema.

The following examples demonstrate creating an Avro table in Impala, using either an inline column specification or one taken from a JSON file stored in HDFS:

[localhost:21000] > CREATE TABLE avro_only_sql_columns
                  > (col1 BOOLEAN, col2 INT) 
                  > STORED AS AVRO;

[localhost:21000] > CREATE TABLE impala_avro_table
                  > (col1 BOOLEAN, col2 INT)
                  > STORED AS AVRO
                  > TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.literal'='{
                  >    "name": "my_record",
                  >    "type": "record",
                  >    "fields": [
                  >       {"name":"col1", "type":"boolean"},
                  >       {"name":"col2", "type":"int"}]}');

[localhost:21000] > CREATE TABLE avro_examples_of_all_types 
                    (col1 BOOLEAN, col2 INT)
                  >   STORED AS AVRO
                  >   TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='hdfs://localhost:8020/avro_schemas/alltypes.json');

Each field of the record becomes a column of the table. Note that any other information, such as the record name, is ignored.

If you create the table through Hive, switch back to impala-shell and issue an INVALIDATE METADATA table_name statement. Then you can run queries for that table through impala-shell.

In rare instances, a mismatch could occur between the Avro schema and the column definitions in the Metastore database. Impala checks for such inconsistencies during a CREATE TABLE statement and each time it loads the metadata for a table (for example, after INVALIDATE METADATA). Impala uses the following rules to determine how to treat mismatching columns, a process known as schema reconciliation:
  • If there is a mismatch in the number of columns, Impala uses the column definitions from the Avro schema.
  • If there is a mismatch in column name or type, Impala uses the column definition from the Avro schema. Because a CHAR or VARCHAR column in Impala maps to an Avro STRING, this case is not considered a mismatch and the column is preserved as CHAR or VARCHAR in the reconciled schema.
  • An Impala TIMESTAMP column definition maps to an Avro STRING and is presented as a STRING in the reconciled schema, because Avro has no binary TIMESTAMP representation.
Specifying the Avro Schema through JSON:

While you can embed a schema directly in your CREATE TABLE statement, as shown above, column width restrictions in the Hive Metastore limit the length of schema you can specify. If you encounter problems with long schema literals, try storing your schema as a JSON file in HDFS instead. Specify your schema in HDFS using table properties in the following format using the avro.schema.url in TBLPROPERTIES clause.

TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'='hdfs//your-name-node:port/path/to/schema.json');

The Avro format defines a set of data types whose names differ from the names of the corresponding Impala data types. If you are preparing Avro files using other Hadoop components such as Pig or MapReduce, you might need to work with the type names defined by Avro. The following figure lists the Avro-defined types and the equivalent types in Impala.

Primitive types:

Avro type Impala type
The Avro specification allows string values up to 2**64 bytes in length:
  • Impala queries for Avro tables use 32-bit integers to hold string lengths.
  • Impala truncates CHAR and VARCHAR values in Avro tables to (2**31)-1 bytes.
  • If a query encounters a STRING value longer than (2**31)-1 bytes in an Avro table, the query fails.

Logical types:

Avro type Impala type
INT32 annotated DATE
Avro types not supported by Impala
  • MAP
  • ENUM
  • NULL

Impala types not supported by Avro:


Impala issues warning messages if there are any mismatches between the types specified in the SQL column definitions and the underlying types; for example, any TINYINT or SMALLINT columns are treated as INT in the underlying Avro files, and therefore are displayed as INT in any DESCRIBE or SHOW CREATE TABLE output.

If you have an Avro table created through Hive, you can use it in Impala as long as it contains only Impala-compatible data types. It cannot contain Avro types not supported by Impala, such as ENUM and FIXED Because Impala and Hive share the same metastore database, Impala can directly access the table definitions and data for tables that were created in Hive.

If you create an Avro table in Hive, issue an INVALIDATE METADATA in Impala. This is a one-time operation to make Impala aware of the new table. You can issue the statement while connected to any Impala node, and the catalog service broadcasts the change to all other Impala nodes.

If you load new data into an Avro table through Hive, either through a Hive LOAD DATA or INSERT statement, or by manually copying or moving files into the data directory for the table, issue a REFRESH table_name statement the next time you connect to Impala through impala-shell.

If you issue the LOAD DATA statement through Impala, you do not need a REFRESH afterward.

Impala only supports fields of type BOOLEAN, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, and STRING, or unions of these types with null, for example, ["string", "null"]. Unions with null essentially create a nullable type.

Currently, Impala cannot write Avro data files. Therefore, an Avro table cannot be used as the destination of an Impala INSERT statement or CREATE TABLE AS SELECT.

To copy data from another table, issue any INSERT statements through Hive.

After loading data into a table through Hive or other mechanism outside of Impala, issue a REFRESH table_name statement the next time you connect to the Impala node, before querying the table, to make Impala recognize the new data.

If you already have data files in Avro format, you can also issue LOAD DATA in either Impala or Hive. Impala can move existing Avro data files into an Avro table, it just cannot create new Avro data files.

To enable compression for Avro tables, specify settings in the Hive shell to enable compression and to specify a codec, then issue a CREATE TABLE statement as in the preceding examples. Impala supports the snappy and deflate codecs for Avro tables.

For example:

hive> set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
hive> set avro.output.codec=snappy;

Impala can handle with Avro data files that employ schema evolution, where different data files within the same table use slightly different type definitions. (You would perform the schema evolution operation by issuing an ALTER TABLE statement in the Hive shell.) The old and new types for any changed columns must be compatible, for example a column might start as an INT and later change to a BIGINT or FLOAT.

As with any other tables where the definitions are changed or data is added outside of the current impalad node, ensure that Impala loads the latest metadata for the table if the Avro schema is modified through Hive. Issue a REFRESH table_name or INVALIDATE METADATA table_name statement. REFRESH reloads the metadata immediately, INVALIDATE METADATA reloads the metadata the next time the table is accessed.

When Avro data files or columns are not consulted during a query, Impala does not check for consistency. Thus, if you issue SELECT c1, c2 FROM t1, Impala does not return any error if the column c3 changed in an incompatible way. If a query retrieves data from some partitions but not others, Impala does not check the data files for the unused partitions.

In the Hive DDL statements, you can specify an avro.schema.literal table property (if the schema definition is short) or an avro.schema.url property (if the schema definition is long, or to allow convenient editing for the definition).

In general, expect query performance with Avro tables to be faster than with tables using text data, but slower than with Parquet tables.

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