ECS Day Two Operations GuidePDF version

Environment health checks

You can use environment health checks to verify the health of various Cloudera Embedded Container Service components. If you are experiencing issues, these tests can help you diagnose and solve the problem.

[root@test-1 ~]# kubectl get nodes
NAME                      STATUS   ROLES                       AGE    VERSION   Ready    control-plane,etcd,master   2d4h   v1.25.14+rke2r1   Ready    <none>                      2d4h   v1.25.14+rke2r1
[root@test-1 ~]# kubectl get namespaces
NAME                                  STATUS   AGE
cdp                                   Active   2d4h
cdp-drs                               Active   2d4h
cdp-services                          Active   2d4h
default                               Active   2d4h
ecs-webhooks                          Active   2d4h
infra-prometheus                      Active   2d4h
k8tz                                  Active   2d4h
kube-node-lease                       Active   2d4h
kube-public                           Active   2d4h
kube-system                           Active   2d4h
kubernetes-dashboard                  Active   2d4h
liftie-wjtncjzm-ns                    Active   2d4h
local-path-storage                    Active   2d4h
longhorn-system                       Active   2d4h
observability                         Active   2d4h
pod-reaper                            Active   2d4h
test-1-5ea742bf-monitoring-platform   Active   2d4h
vault-system                          Active   2d4h
yunikorn                              Active   2d4h

There are three possible states the Vault can be in:

  • Initialization:

    This involves preparing the Vault's storage back end to accept data. This cannot be executed on a Vault cluster that has already been initialized. The Vault operates with a self-signed certificate, and the script encompasses all of the necessary steps for this process.

  • Unsealing:

    If the Vault is resealed, restarted, or stopped, a minimum of three keys are required to unseal it to resume request handling. The Vault does not retain the generated root key, as the root key must be reconstructed using at least three keys, or the vault remains permanently sealed. Cloudera stores the root key in Cloudera Manager, and this is the key that is used when the unseal option is selected from the Cloudera Manager user interface.

  • Startup:

    After completing initialization and unsealing, the Vault is ready to be started. Once operational, it can begin processing requests.

[root@test-1 ~]# kubectl get pods -n vault-system
NAME                                READY       STATUS         RESTARTS      AGE
helm-install-vault-pd842            0/1         Completed         0          2d6h
vault-0                             1/1         Running           0          2d6h
vault-exporter-84bd8f848d-s9grm     1/1         Running           0          2d6h

You should only unseal the Vault if there are issues reported in the logs about the Vault being sealed, or if pods in the Vault namespace are crash-looping.

To unseal the Vault, select the ECS cluster in Cloudera Manager, click ECS, then select Actions > Unseal Vault.

[cloudera@fluentd-aggregator-0 /]$ mount | grep longhorn
/dev/longhorn/pvc-2f71ea50-744c-4eb9-875c-3f793d141961 on /var/log type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
[root@test-1 ~]# kubectl get pods -n longhorn-system
NAME                                                  READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
csi-attacher-7b556d5f87-2rttk                         1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-attacher-7b556d5f87-ldst4                         1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-attacher-7b556d5f87-nsrnn                         1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-provisioner-76f6697668-567c5                      1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-provisioner-76f6697668-6smx5                      1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-provisioner-76f6697668-w82z5                      1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-resizer-5d8b75df89-gn7jk                          1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-resizer-5d8b75df89-m2r87                          1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-resizer-5d8b75df89-zthrl                          1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-snapshotter-c54d8cbd8-2vmxs                       1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-snapshotter-c54d8cbd8-52sjc                       1/1     Running     0          2d10h
csi-snapshotter-c54d8cbd8-f49gj                       1/1     Running     0          2d10h
engine-image-ei-791d1d81-7bv7b                        1/1     Running     0          2d10h
engine-image-ei-791d1d81-zb2kv                        1/1     Running     0          2d10h
helm-install-longhorn-zchvx                           0/1     Completed   0          2d10h
instance-manager-e-050ae22aa5b0f98c28dc7da17d4e6ba2   1/1     Running     0          2d10h
instance-manager-e-5830ecda079889e4a49271591835ceb2   1/1     Running     0          2d10h
instance-manager-r-050ae22aa5b0f98c28dc7da17d4e6ba2   1/1     Running     0          2d10h
instance-manager-r-5830ecda079889e4a49271591835ceb2   1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-admission-webhook-6cb4bb94f-2252d            1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-admission-webhook-6cb4bb94f-hfqvz            1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-conversion-webhook-76fd55b9-rklhz            1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-conversion-webhook-76fd55b9-sxkkb            1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-csi-plugin-czjtm                             3/3     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-csi-plugin-f26j7                             3/3     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-driver-deployer-7b64685666-7nx6v             1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-manager-tjz5h                                1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-manager-x9r26                                1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-recovery-backend-fc6dccdcb-vnqb6             1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-recovery-backend-fc6dccdcb-w4fdr             1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-ui-79c96b46cb-4jqrq                          1/1     Running     0          2d10h
longhorn-ui-79c96b46cb-fvn5g                          1/1     Running     0          2d10h

In Cloudera Manager, click ECS, then select Web UI > Storage UI.

A healthy system should show healthy volumes, schedulable storage, and schedulable nodes:

Use the following command format to list the persistent volume claims in a namespace:

kubectl get pvc -n <namespace>

For example, to list the persistent volume claims in the cdp namespace:

Check to see if the longhorn-manager daemonset exists in the longhorn-system namespace. If not, it may have been accidentally deleted. To restore it via the Helm chart:

export KUBECONFIG=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml
cd /opt/cloudera/parcels/ECS/installer/install/bin/linux
./helm history longhorn -n longhorn-system (note down the latest revision)
./helm rollback longhorn <revision> -n longhorn-system

When this issue occurs, Longhorn manager reports the following error:

time="2023-03-03T01:42:30Z" level=warning 
msg="pvc-e930fca4-0c90-44b0-bedb-9d9d39ec197c-e-c87678d7: 2023/03/02 09:27:40 
cannot create an available backend for the engine from the addresses 

Checking the instance-manager pod logs, it shows a discrepancy between the actual and the expected volume size. The volume size has drifted from the requested pvc:

time="2023-03-03T01:48:08Z" level=info msg="Opening volume 
bf1fa2, size 10737418240/512"

2023-01-30T14:59:53.514816555-08:00 stderr F 
time="2023-01-30T22:59:53Z" level=warning msg="backend tcp:// 
size does not match 2147483648 != 64424509440 in the engine initiation phase"

This can be resolved by updating the volume size to the original expected size:

  1. SSH into the node that has the replica.

  2. cd into the replica folder, for example:

    cd /longhorn/replicas/pvc-126d40e2-7bff-4679-a310-1a5dc941
  3. Change the size field from its current value to the expected value in the volume.meta file.