Host health checks
Check the status of all nodes in the Kubernetes environment
[root@test-1 ~]# kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready control-plane,etcd,master 2d4h v1.25.14+rke2r1 Ready <none> 2d4h v1.25.14+rke2r1
Ensure that the namespaces are all active
[root@test-1 ~]# kubectl get namespaces NAME STATUS AGE cdp Active 2d4h cdp-drs Active 2d4h cdp-services Active 2d4h default Active 2d4h ecs-webhooks Active 2d4h infra-prometheus Active 2d4h k8tz Active 2d4h kube-node-lease Active 2d4h kube-public Active 2d4h kube-system Active 2d4h kubernetes-dashboard Active 2d4h liftie-wjtncjzm-ns Active 2d4h local-path-storage Active 2d4h longhorn-system Active 2d4h observability Active 2d4h pod-reaper Active 2d4h test-1-5ea742bf-monitoring-platform Active 2d4h vault-system Active 2d4h yunikorn Active 2d4h