ECS Day Two Operations GuidePDF version


Perform the following steps to get started with Cloudera Embedded Container Service and the kubectl command line tool.

  • In Cloudera Manager, confirm that the ECS Cluster is healthy:
  • Identify the ECS server host. Click ECS in the ECS cluster, then click Instances. The ECS server host is listed in the Hostname column for the ECS Server role type.
  • Open a connection to the ECS server host:

    Ensure that you are using the root user:

    root@test-1 ~]# whoami

You can use the kubectl command line tool to interact with Kubernetes.

  • Cluster management – kubectl allows you to manage various aspects of Kubernetes clusters, including deploying applications, inspecting and managing cluster resources, and viewing logs.
  • Interacting with nodes and pods – kubectl provides commands to interact with and manage nodes, pods, and other resources within a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Deployment and application management – You can use kubectl to create, update, and delete applications running on Kubernetes, as well as control scaling and rollout of updates.
  • Debugging and diagnostics – kubectl includes various commands for checking the health of resources, diagnosing issues, and accessing logs.

To set up Kubernetes configuration and the kubectl alias, add the following lines to your bash profile. This eliminates the need to set this up for each session.

alias kubectl=/var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/kubectl