CDP Private Cloud Data Services 1.5.4 Release Summary

Platform (Control Plane)

  • Updated Longhorn
  • Turn on Automatic backups by default in ECS with in-cluster backups
  • Support password-protected ingress private key
  • (ECS) Update Ingress Controller Certificate action added to the API
  • Service Discovery Simple REST API to enable CML Data Discovery feature
  • Verified that ECS QUORUM roles are set/used correctly
  • Fresh install prerequisite checks
    • StorageInspection
    • PortInspection
    • EcsHostDnsInspection (a smaller and quicker connection check)
    • JavaInspection (confirms that the hosts have the required Java version)
    • IPTables (verifies that IP Tables rpm packages are installed for RHEL 8)
    • CPUInspection (virtual cores)


  • CDP Private Cloud Base (7.1.9 CHF 6 , 7.1.7 SP3, 7.1.8 CHF22)
  • Cloudera Manager 7.11.3 CHF 6
  • Iceberg v2 GA on CDW, CDE, & CML with Ozone
  • OEL (RHCK Kernel Only) 8.7, 8.8, 8.9, 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
  • RHEL 8.7, 8.8, 8.9. 9.1, 9.2, 9.3
  • K8s 1.27 & OCP 4.14

Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE)

  • Security improvement to enable the UI when port 80 is blocked on k8s cluster ingress level.
  • Spark Connect for interactive development via external Jupyter notebook. This feature is limited to only Spark 3.4 VC with 7.1.8 runtime on a subset of connectors.
  • Initialization of virtual clusters with password-protected private keys

Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW)

  • Removed the need for a bind user to retrieve users and groups. CDW now uses Kerberos tickets to do this under the hood automatically
  • Support for custom pod sizing for LLAP Virtual Warehouses, HMS Service and Improvements to the UI
  • Added support in Hue for LLM-based SQL generation (Preview)
  • Enabled Impala Audit Logs and audit log storage in HDFS
  • Support for mTLS enabled databases for HMS
  • Improvements to Quota management
  • Automatic Spill to HDFS

Cloudera Machine Learning (CML)

  • Enable CML Service Accounts in Private Cloud
  • Heterogeneous GPU hardware support PVC M1
  • Spark Pushdown bug fixes
  • Quotas for groups/teams (Preview)
  • Observability and debuggability - CML quota management (Preview)
  • Model Registry - GA