Installing on the Embedded Container ServicePDF version

Cloudera Base on premises Software Requirements

The software requirements for the nodes on which Cloudera Data Services on premises are deployed are identical to Cloudera Base on premises.

Your Cloudera Base on premises cluster must have the operating system, JDK, database, Cloudera components, and Cloudera Runtime version compatible with Cloudera Data Services on premises. You must first set up the Cloudera Base on premises cluster, then you can install the on premises Containerized cluster.

For more information about the requirements for the Cloudera Base on premises cluster, see the Cloudera Base on premises section of the Requirements and Supported Versions and the Cloudera Base on premises section of the Software Support Matrix for Cloudera Embedded Container Service.

The following Cloudera Base on premises cluster services are required to fully access the Data Services:

  • Zookeeper
  • HBase
  • Hive Metastore (HMS)
  • Hive on Tez (needed for using compaction)
  • Ranger
  • Atlas
  • HDFS
  • Ozone
  • YARN
  • Kafka
  • Solr

In addition to this, the hive user should be able to create and list an Ozone bucket. For information about creating and listing ozone bucket, see Managing buckets.