ECS Day Two Operations GuidePDF version

Create an environment-wide backup

Data Recovery Service (DRS), a microservice in Cloudera Data Services on premises, enables you to create an environment-wide backup of Kubernetes namespaces and resources on Cloudera Embedded Container Service and OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) in Cloudera Management Console on premises.

Cloudera recommends that you create a backup of your Kubernetes namespace before a maintenance activity, before you upgrade, or in general, as a best practice.

Role Required: PowerUser

By default, the data recovery service is located in the [***CDP_INSTALLATION_NAMESPACE***]-drs namespace. For example, if the Cloudera Data Services on premises installation is located in the cdp namespace, the data recovery service namespace is automatically named cdp-drs. If you have multiple Cloudera Data Services on premises installations (as in OCP), the data recovery service is named accordingly.

When you initiate the backup event in the Backup and Restore Manager for Control Plane, the data recovery service takes a backup of the following resources and data:
  • Kubernetes resources associated with the cdp namespace and the embedded vault namespaces of the Control Plane in Cloudera Data Services on premises. The resources include deployment-related information, stateful sets, secrets, and configmaps.
  • Data used by the stateful pods, such as the data in the embedded database and Kubernetes persistent volume claim.

The data recovery service can also back up and restore Kubernetes namespaces behind Cloudera Data Warehouse entities (for example, Cloudera Data Catalog and Virtual Warehouses) on demand.

The following methods are available to back up and restore your environment:

DRS automatic backups
Starting from Cloudera Data Services on premises 1.5.4, DRS automatic back ups for Control Plane, Cloudera Data Warehouse, and Cloudera Data Engineering are enabled by default on Cloudera Embedded Container Service clusters for new installations or after cluster upgrade to version 1.5.4 or higher.
You can disable this option, if required. You can also configure the external storage in Longhorn for Cloudera Embedded Container Service, and then initiate the DRS automatic backup to it. For more information, see DRS automatic backups.
Service-specific CDP CLI options
You can use the CDP CLI options to back up and restore namespaces for Control Plane and Cloudera Data Warehouse.
For the list of available CDP CLI options that you can use for backup and restore purposes, see drscp and dw.
Backup and Restore Manager
You can back up and restore namespaces for Control Plane and Cloudera Data Warehouse on the Backup and Restore Manager page.
To access this page, click the Cloudera Management Console > Dashboard > Backup Overview > View Details option. For more information, see Access Backup and Restore Manager.