Major RHEL Operating System upgrade on Cloudera Embedded Container Service hosts
After installing Cloudera Data Services on premises on a particular RHEL OS, you can now upgrade RHEL OS to a new major version. For example, you can upgrade from RHEL 7.x to RHEL 9.x major version.
- Cloudera Embedded Container Service hosts in the cluster. For example: host-1, host-2.
Navigate to ECS , to collect the host info.
- Version of the ECS running on cluster. For example: 1.5.2
Navigate to Version at the bottom of the UI .
, the cluster displays the - Version of the Operating System (OS) running on those hosts. For example: RHEL 7.9
- Login to all of the hosts in the ECS cluster by executing
the following command:
cat /etc/redhat-release
- Login to all of the hosts in the ECS cluster by executing
the following command:
- Version of the upgraded OS. For example: RHEL 9.4
Verify the ECS version supported on the upgraded OS version here:
Shutdown of the Cloudera Embedded Container Service Cluster
Perform the following steps:
- Log in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator, then navigate to the ECS cluster.
- Go to the tab.
- Click the Actions menu to the right of the Cloudera Embedded Container Service cluster name and select Stop.
- Click the Stop option in the confirmation screen.
The Command Details window shows the progress of the services.
- SSH into a ECS cluster host as a root user.
- Verify the OS version by running the following command:
cat /etc/redhat-release
- Stop Cloudera Manager agent on all the ECS
hosts, by executing the following command:
systemctl stop cloudera-scm-agent
- Uninstall Cloudera Manager agent packages on the
ECS hosts by executing the following command:
yum remove cloudera-manager-agent
Major OS Upgrade
Follow the RHEL OS Upgrade documentation for major OS upgrade procedure.
cat /etc/redhat-release
Setup and install new Cloudera Manager agents
Perform the following steps on each host in your cluster:
- If you have not installed before, install python 3.8 and other dependencies on the Cloudera Embedded Container Service host.
Example: yum install python3.8 -y
- Install the OS compatible Cloudera Manager agent packages.Example: RHEL 9 package instead of RHEL 7 through commands on the Cloudera Embedded Container Service hosts.
- Change the baseurl= link in the cloudera-manager.repo to
point to new RedHat version you upgraded to (from RedHat 7 to RedHat 9).
Example: baseurl=
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/cloudera-manager.repo
Save the cloudera-manager.repo file.
- To update repositories, execute:
yum clean all
- To verify the version is available, Example:,
execute the following
yum list available | grep -i cloudera-manager
- To install the Cloudera Manager Agent, execute the following
yum install cloudera-manager-agent
- To verify the correct version of the OS compatible Cloudera Manager agent installed, execute the following
yum list installed | grep -i cloudera-manager-agent
- Change the baseurl= link in the cloudera-manager.repo to
point to new RedHat version you upgraded to (from RedHat 7 to RedHat 9).
- Restore the Cloudera Manager agent config file, execute the following
cp /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini.rpmsave /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini
- Login to all the ECS host and then start the Cloudera Manager agent by executing the following command:
systemctl start cloudera-scm-agent
- To verify the status of the Cloudera Manager agents started, execute
the following command:
systemctl status cloudera-scm-agent
- Log in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator.
- Verify that the Cloudera Manager displays all your hosts before
starting ECS Cluster.
Navigate to
, to collect the host info.
Start the Cloudera Embedded Container Service Cluster
- To start the Cloudera Embedded Container Service cluster, go to the tab.
- Click the Actions menu to the right of the Embedded Container Service cluster name and select Start.
- Click the Start option.
The Command Details window shows the progress of the services.
Wait for all the pods to start. The wait time depends on the number of nodes in the cluster.
- Navigate to ECS > WEB UI and try accessing: STORAGE UI, ECS WEB UI, and CONSOLE.
If you see a Vault sealed issue, after the start of the ECS service and if it does not unseal itself, then follow the step below to manually unseal it:
In the Cloudera Manager, Go to the