Release NotesPDF version

What's new in Cloudera Data Services on premises 1.5.4-SP1

New features introduced in this service pack release of Cloudera Data Services on premises 1.5.4-SP1.

SAML authentication features:
  • Support for SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO), enabling seamless and secure access to Cloudera on premises.

  • Administrators can integrate their IdP’s with CDP for authentication.

  • Administrators can migrate their existing users in CDP from LDAP to SAML.

  • After installing Cloudera Data Services on premises on a particular RHEL OS, you can now upgrade RHEL OS to a new major or minor version. For example, you can upgrade from RHEL 7.x to RHEL 9.x or you can upgrade from RHEL 8.6 to RHEL 8.8.

  • Additionally, Cloudera now supports mixed OS versions in the same cluster. For example, in a 10 node cluster, you can upgrade any number of hosts from RHEL 7.x to RHEL 9.x major version and keep the other hosts, running RHEL 8.x.

Certificate rotation for Cloudera Embedded Container Service internal certificates, namely, vault, embedded database, ECS webhook, and Ingress Controller (if using the default certificate), can now be performed using the new action under Cloudera Embedded Container Service Service in Cloudera Manager UI.

The port of the docker embedded registry is now configurable at install time. The default value is 5000.