Installing on the Embedded Container ServicePDF version

Installing Cloudera Data Services on premises using Cloudera Embedded Container Service

Follow the steps in this topic to install Cloudera Data Services on premises with the Cloudera Embedded Container Service.

  1. If you are installing Cloudera Embedded Container Service on RHEL 8 or RHEL 9:
    1. Run the following command to check to see if the nm-cloud-setup.service and nm-cloud-setup.timer services are enabled:
      systemctl status nm-cloud-setup.service nm-cloud-setup.timer
    2. If the nm-cloud-setup.service and nm-cloud-setup.timer services are enabled, disable them by running the following command on each host you added:
      systemctl disable nm-cloud-setup.service nm-cloud-setup.timer
      For more information, see Known issues and limitations.
    3. If you disabled the nm-cloud-setup.service and nm-cloud-setup.timer services, reboot the added hosts.
  2. In Cloudera Manager, click Data Services in the left menu.
    The Add Private Cloud Containerized Cluster page appears. Click Continue.
  3. On the Getting Started page of the installation wizard, select Internet or Air Gapped as the Install Method.

    Internet install method (To use a custom repository link provided to you by Cloudera, click Custom Repository) :

    If you select the Air Gapped install option, extra steps are displayed. Follow these steps to download and mirror the Cloudera archive URL using a local HTTP server.

    1. Download everything under:

      wget -l 0 --recursive --no-parent -e robots=off -nH --cut-dirs=2 --reject="index.html*" -t 10 https://<username>:<password>
    2. Edit the manifest.json file in the downloaded directory. Change "http_url": "..." to

      "http_url": "http://your_local_repo/cdp-pvc-ds/latest"

    3. Mirror the downloaded directory to your local http server, e.g. http://your_local_repo/cdp-pvc-ds/latest

    4. Click Custom Repository and add http://your_local_repo/cdp-pvc-ds/latest as a custom repository.

    5. Click the Select Repository drop-down and select http://your_local_repo/cdp-pvc-ds/latest

    Click Continue.

  4. On the Cluster Basics page, type a name for the Private Cloud cluster that you want to create in the Cluster Name field. From the Base Cluster drop-down list, select the cluster that has the storage and SDX services that you want this new Private Cloud Data Services instance to connect with. Click Continue.
  5. On the Specify Hosts page, hosts that have already been added to Cloudera Manager are listed on the Currently Managed Hosts tab. You can select one or more of these hosts to add to the ECS cluster.

    You can also click the New Hosts tab to specify one or more hosts that have not been added to Cloudera Manager. Enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name in the Hostname box, then click Search.

    After you have finished specifying the ECS hosts, click Continue.

  6. On the Select JDK page, select any one from the below options:
    1. Manually manage JDK
    2. Install a Cloudera-provided version of OpenJDK
    3. Install a system-provided version of OpenJDK

  7. On the Enter Login Credentials page, All hosts accept the same password is selected by default. Enter the user name in the SSH Username box, and type in and confirm the password. You can also select the All hosts accept the same private key option and provide the Private Key and passphrase.

  8. The Install Agents page appears and displays a progress indicator as the agent packages are installed.

  9. On the Assign Roles page, you can customize the roles assignment for your new Private Cloud Containerized cluster.
    Single node ECS installation is supported, but is only intended to enable CDSW to CML migration. If you are installing ECS on a single node, only the Docker and ECS Server roles are assigned. The ECS Agent role is not required for single node installation.

    Click Continue.

  10. Configure a Docker Repository.
    There are several options for configuring a Docker Repository. For more information about these options, see Docker repository access.

    The following ports must be opened and allowed no matter which Docker repository option you choose.

    • Ports required for Cloudera Manager/Cloudera Manager agent (port 5000 is required for Cloudera Machine Learning):
      Protocol Port
      TCP 7180-7192
      TCP 19001
      TCP 5000
      TCP 9000
    • Inbound rules for ECS Server nodes (Kubernetes/RKE2):
      Protocol Port
      TCP 9345
      TCP 6443
      UDP 8472
      TCP 10250
      TCP 2379
      TCP 2380
      TCP 30000-32767
    • Inbound Rules for the ECS Agent (Kubernetes/RKE2):
      Protocol Port
      UDP 4789
    On the Configure Docker Repository page, select one of these options:
    • Embedded Docker Repository

      If you select the Internet Install Method option on the Getting Started page, images are copied over the internet from the Cloudera repository.

      If you select the Air Gapped option, images are copied from a local http mirror you have set up in your environment.

      Select Default to deploy all of the default Docker images to the repository, or select Select the Optional Images to choose which images to deploy. If you will be deploying Cloudera Machine Learning (CML), toggle the Cloudera Machine Learning switch on to copy the images for CML.

    • Cloudera default Docker Repository
      This option requires that cluster hosts have access to the internet and you have selected Internet as the install method.
    • Custom Docker Repository

      This option requires that you set up a Docker Repository in your environment and that all cluster hosts have connectivity to the repository.

      You must enter the following options:
      • Custom Docker Repository – Enter the URL for your Docker Repository
      • Docker Username – Enter the username for the Docker Repository.
      • Docker Password – Enter the password for the Docker Repository.
      • Docker Certificate – Click the Choose File button to upload a TLS certificate to secure communications with the Docker Repository.
      Click the Generate the copy-docker script button to generate and download a script that copies the Docker images from Cloudera, or (for air-gapped installation) from a local http mirror in your network.
      Run the script from a machine that is running Docker locally and has access to the Docker images using the following commands:
      docker login [***URL for Docker Repository***] -u [***username of user with write access***]
      bash copy-docker.txt

      The copying operation may take 4 - 5 hours.

  11. On the Configure Data Services page, you can modify configuration settings such as the data storage directory, number of replicas, and so on. If there are multiple disks mounted on each host with different characteristics (HDD and SSD), then Local Path Storage Directory must point to the path belonging to the optimal storage. Ensure that you have reviewed your changes. If you want to specify a custom certificate, place the certificate and the private key in a specific location on the Cloudera Manager server host and specify the paths in the input boxes labelled as Ingress Controller TLS/SSL Server Certificate/Private Key File below. This certificate will be copied to the Control Plane during the installation process.

    Click Continue.

  12. On the Configure Databases page, click Continue.

  13. On the Install Parcels page, the selected parcel is downloaded to the Cloudera Manager server host, distributed, unpacked, and activated on the ECS cluster hosts. Click Continue.
  14. If the hosts do not meet the prerequisites, the Check Prerequisites page displays the applicable issues. Correct the issues, then click Run Again. After all of the issues have been resolved, click Continue.

    The following prerequisites are checked:

    Host Prerequisite Inspection Validation
    StorageInspection Checks for a minimum of 300 GiB space in the /var/lib and docker data directories respectively. Checks if /var/lib/longhorn or its parent directories are symlinked. If they are, this inspection will fail.
    CPUInspection Checks to make sure the hosts have 16 virtual cores.
    PortsInspection Checks for the availability of ports 443 and 80.
    EcsHostDnsInspection Checks to make sure there are less than 3 nameserver entries in the /etc/resolv.conf file, and checks the connections to the Cloudera Manager cluster and the CDP console. It also checks to see if vault.localhost.localdomain’s ping can be resolved. If not, it is likely that the host /etc/nsswitch.conf file is misconfigured.

    If this inspection fails:

    • Check the /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf files and ensure that /etc/resolv.conf does not contain 3 or more nameservers, and that /etc/nsswitch.conf must contain myhostname under the hosts field.
    • Check to see if the connections were resolved correctly. If connection to the CDP console fails, check to see if your DNS wildcard is configured properly.
    VersionInspection Checks that Java is installed and consistent among all ECS hosts.
    IPTablesInspection Checks that if the iptables command exists, rules are cleared. If the iptables command does not exist, iptables gets installed during FirstRun so this inspection passes.

    If iptables are installed and the rules are not cleared, this inspection will fail.

    For information on installing iptables, see Install iptables on the new Cloudera Embedded Container Service master nodes.

    EcsCleanUpHostInspection Checks to make sure that the /var/lib/rancher and docker data directories do not contain any files.
  15. On the Inspect Cluster page, click Inspect Hosts and Inspect Network Performance to inspect your hosts and network performance . If the Inspect tool displays any issues, you can fix those issues and click Run Again to rerun the inspections. After all of the issues have been resolved, click Continue.
  16. The installation progress is displayed on the Install Data Services page. When the installation is complete, click Continue.
  17. When the installation is complete, the Summary page appears. Click Launch CDP Private Cloud. You can also click Finish and then access the Data Services cluster from Cloudera Manager.
  18. When the installation is complete, you can access your Private Cloud Data Services instance from Cloudera Manager. Click Data Services, then click Open Private Cloud Data Services for the applicable Data Services cluster.

If the installation fails, and you see the following error message in the stderr output during the Install Longhorn UI step, retry the installation by clicking the Resume button.

++ openssl passwd -stdin -apr1 + echo 'cm-longhorn:$apr1$gp2nrbtq$1KYPGI0QNlFJ2lo5sV62l0' + kubectl -n longhorn-system create secret generic basic-auth --from-file=auth + rm -f auth + kubectl -n longhorn-system apply -f /opt/cloudera/cm-agent/service/ecs/longhorn-ingress.yaml Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "/opt/cloudera/cm-agent/service/ecs/longhorn-ingress.yaml": 
Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "": Post "https://rke2-ingress-nginx-controller-admission.kube-system.svc:443/networking/v1/ingresses?timeout=10s": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
  • If you specified a custom certificate, select the ECS cluster in Cloudera Manager, then select Actions > Update Ingress Controller. This command copies the cert.pem and key.pem files from the Cloudera Manager server host to the ECS Management Console host.
  • Click Open Private Cloud Data Services to launch your Cloudera Data Services on premises instance.
  • Log in using the default username and password admin.
  • On the Welcome to CDP Private Cloud page, click Reset Admin Password to change the Local Administrator Account password.
  • Set up external authentication using the URL of the LDAP server and a CA certificate of your secure LDAP. Set up external authentication using the URL of the SAML and uplolad SAML Identity Provider Metadata file. Follow the instructions on the Welcome to CDP Private Cloud page to complete this step.
  • Click Test Connection to ensure that you are able to connect to the configured LDAP server.
  • Create your first Virtual Warehouse in the Cloudera Data Warehouse Data Service
  • Provision an AI Workbench in the Cloudera AI Data Service
  • Add a CDE service in the Cloudera Data Engineering Data Service