Managing the Embedded Container ServicePDF version

Upgrading the RHEL Operating System to a new minor version

After installing Cloudera Data Services on premises on a particular RHEL OS, you can now upgrade RHEL OS to a new minor version. For example, in a 8.x OS series, you can upgrade from 8.6 to 8.8 new minor version.

You must perform this task on all Cloudera Embedded Container Service hosts.
  1. Log in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator, then navigate to the ECS cluster.
  2. Go to the Home > Status tab.
  3. Click the Actions menu to the right of the Embedded Container Service (ECS) cluster name and select Stop.
  4. Click the Stop option in the confirmation screen.

    The Command Details window shows the progress of the services.

  5. SSH into a ECS cluster host as a root user.
  6. Verify the OS version by running the following command:
    cat /etc/redhat-release
  1. Upgrade RHEL from the installed version to the desired minor version on the ECS host. Use the operating system upgrade procedures provided by your RedHat operating system vendor to download and upgrade RHEL.
    For example, you can upgrade from RHEL 8.6 version to RHEL 8.8 minor version.
  2. Verify the upgraded OS version by running the following command:
    cat /etc/redhat-release
  3. Log in to Cloudera Manager as an Administrator.
  4. Go to the Home > Status tab.
  5. Click the Actions menu to the right of the Embedded Container Service cluster name and select Start.
  6. Click the Start option.
    The Command Details window shows the progress of the services.
    Wait for all the pods to start. The wait time depends on the number of nodes in the cluster.