ECS Day Two Operations GuidePDF version

Creating backup of Cloudera Control Plane

The Backup and Restore Manager in the Cloudera Data Services on premisesManagement Console helps you to back up Kubernetes namespaces and resources on Cloudera Embedded Container Service (ECS) and OpenShift Container Platform (OCP). This topic shows how to create a backup of the Kubernetes namespaces and resources in the Cloudera Control Plane.

Ensure that the following prerequisites are complete:
  • You must have the PowerUser role.
  • For OCP, ensure that a VolumeSnapshotClass is installed with a CSI driver that matches the CSI driver for the storage class used.
The following steps show how to create a backup of the Kubernetes namespaces and resources in the Control Plane, restore a backup, delete a backup, view logs for an event, and sample CDP CLI commands.
  1. Go to the Cloudera Private Cloud Data Services Management Console > Dashboard > Backup Overview section.
    The sample image shows the View Details option in the Backup Overview section on the Management Console Dashboard page.
  2. To create a backup, perform the following steps:
    When you create a backup of the Control Plane, Data Recovery Service (DRS) initiates the backup event or job for the chosen backup entity, assigns an ID called backupCrn to the backup event, and creates a backup of the persistent volume claim (PVC) snapshots of the Control Plane namespaces and the backup event's PVC. CRN or Customer Resource Number is the Cloudera-specific identifier provided for an event or job.
    1. Click Create Backup in the Backup Overview section to create the first backup.
      The sample image shows the Create Backup option to create the first backup in the Backup Overview section.
    2. Enter a unique Backup Name and choose the Backup Entity that you want to back up in the Create Backup modal window, and then click Create.
      The sample image shows the Create Backup modal window where you enter a backup name, choose the backup entity, and click create to create a backup.
    3. DRS initiates the backup event and generates a backupCRN which is an automatically assigned ID for the backup event.
      The backup event appears in the Backup Overview section.
      The sample image shows the columns that appear when backups are available in the Backup Overview section.
    4. Click View Details. The Backup and Restore Manager page appears.
      The sample image shows the backup CRN as CRN on the Backups tab in Backup and Restore Manager.
    5. The backupCRN appears as a CRN on the Backup and Restore Manager page that you can click to view the backup event details.
      The sample image shows the backup CRN as CRN on the Backups tab in Backup and Restore Manager.
    6. For subsequent backups, click New Backup on the Backup and Restore Manager page.
      The sample image shows the backup CRN as CRN on the Backups tab in Backup and Restore Manager.
    7. Click the CRN to view more details about it on the Backup [***backup name***] modal window. For example, the following image shows the Backup cp-backup2 modal window.
      The sample image shows the backup CRN as CRN on the Backups tab in Backup and Restore Manager.
  3. To restore a backup, perform the following steps:
    When you start the restore a backup, DRS initiates the restore event based on the chosen backup, assigns an ID called restoreCrn to the restore event, deletes the existing resources and data, and restores the resources and data from the backup.
    1. Go to the Backup and Restore Manager > Backups tab.
    2. Click Actions > Restore, and then click OK in the Restore modal window to acknowledge that you want to restore the backup.
      The sample image shows the Restore option on the Backup details modal window.
      The sample image shows the modal window where you acknowledge to restore the backup.
    3. Alternatively, click the CRN of the required backup, click Restore on the Backup [***name of backup***] modal window, and then click OK to acknowledge that you want to restore the backup.
      The sample image shows the Restore option on the Backup details modal window.
    4. Go to the Restores tab to view the CRN for the restore event and other details about the restore event.
      The sample image shows the Restore Details modal window after you click the CRN for a restore event on the Restores tab.
    5. Click the CRN for a restore event to see its details on the Restore Details modal window.
      The sample image shows the Restore Details modal window after you click the CRN for a restore event on the Restores tab.
  4. To delete a backup, perform the following steps:
    1. Go to the Backup and Restore Manager > Backups tab.
    2. Click Actions > Delete, and then click OK in the Delete modal window to acknowledge that you want to delete the backup.
      The sample image shows the Restore Details modal window after you click the CRN for a restore event on the Restores tab.
      The sample image shows the Restore Details modal window after you click the CRN for a restore event on the Restores tab.
    3. Alternatively, click the CRN of the required backup. Click Delete on the Backup [***name of backup***] modal window, and then click OK to acknowledge that you want to delete the backup.
      The sample image shows the Restore Details modal window after you click the CRN for a restore event on the Restores tab.
  5. To view the logs for a backup or restore event, perform the following steps:
    1. Go to the Backup and Restore Manager > Backups tab.
    2. Click Actions > Logs for the required backup.
      The sample image shows the Restore Details modal window after you click the CRN for a restore event on the Restores tab.
    3. Click the Logs tab on the modal window.
      The sample image shows the Restore Details modal window after you click the CRN for a restore event on the Restores tab.
    4. Alternatively, you can click the CRN for a backup event on the Backups tab, or click the CRN for a restore event on the Restores tab to open the modal window to view the logs for the event.
  6. The following sample CDP CLI options show how to create a backup, restore or delete it, and monitor the progress of the events:
    1. Create a backup using the create-backup CDP CLI option.
      The following sample snippet creates a backup named Backup 2. --form-factor private --endpoint-url drscp create-backup --backup-name "Backup 2"
    2. Track the progress of the current status of the specified backupCrn (backup event) using the describe-backup CDP CLI option.
      The following sample snippet output shows the current status of the crn:altus:drs:us-west-1:18be-4c75-8c7f-f32e697dba4a:backup:91193c4f-45f0-949c-13e232f14c9e backupCrn. --no-verify-tls --endpoint-url --no-verify-tls --form-factor private drscp describe-backup --backup-crn crn:altus:drs:us-west-1:18be-4c75-8c7f-f32e697dba4a:backup:91193c4f-45f0-949c-13e232f14c9e
    3. List all the backups using the list-backup CDP CLI option.
      The following sample snippet output lists all the available backups. --no-verify-tls --endpoint-url --no-verify-tls --form-factor private drscp list-backup
    4. Restore a specific backup, using its CRN, with the restore-backup CDP CLI option.
      The following sample snippet restores the backup of crn:altus:drs:us-west-1:88d84e3c-4c3e-9903-6c388a689690:backup:aebe-96d7-b79d10b64183 CRN. --form-factor private --no-verify-tls --endpoint-url drscp restore-backup --backup-crn crn:altus:drs:us-west-1:88d84e3c-4c3e-9903-6c388a689690:backup:aebe-96d7-b79d10b64183
    5. Track the current status of the specified restoreCrn (restore event) using the describe-restore CDP CLI option.
      The following sample snippet output shows the current status of the crn:altus:drs:us-west-1:a70c917a-4be8-927c-d36f3f7db2de:restore:c3b34532-4391-b62d-3f471fae5a40 restoreCrn: --form-factor private --no-verify-tls --endpoint-url drscp describe-restore --restore-crn crn:altus:drs:us-west-1:a70c917a-4be8-927c-d36f3f7db2de:restore:c3b34532-4391-b62d-3f471fae5a40
      For information about all the available CDP CLI options to backup and restore Control Plane and CDW, see CDP CLI options for Control Plane namespaces and CDP CLI options for Cloudera Data Warehouse (CDW).

      To set up a CDP client to run the CDP CLI commands, see CDP Private Cloud CLI.