Architecture OverviewPDF version

Docker and Kubernetes

Cloudera Data Science Workbench uses Docker containers to deliver application components and run isolated user workloads. On a per project basis, users can run R, Python, and Scala workloads with different versions of libraries and system packages. CPU and memory are also isolated, ensuring reliable, scalable execution in a multi-tenant setting.

Each Docker container running user workloads, also referred to as an engine, provides a visualized gateway with secure access to CDH cluster services such as HDFS, Spark 2, Hive, and Impala. CDH dependencies and client configuration, managed by Cloudera Manager, are mounted from the underlying gateway host. Workloads that leverage CDH services such as HDFS, Spark, Hive, and Impala are executed across the full CDH cluster.

To enable multiple users and concurrent access, Cloudera Data Science Workbench transparently subdivides and schedules containers across multiple hosts dedicated as gateway hosts. This scheduling is done using Kubernetes, a container orchestration system used internally by Cloudera Data Science Workbench. Neither Docker nor Kubernetes are directly exposed to end users, with users interacting with Cloudera Data Science Workbench through a web application.