ML Runtimes Release NotesPDF version

ML Runtimes Known Issues and Limitations

You might run into some known issues while using ML Runtimes.

The CDSW workers feature cannot be used to start runtime sessions. All worker sessions will use the default engine.

Scala Runtimes should not appear as an option for Models, Experiments, and Applications in the user interface. Currently Scala Runtimes only support Session and Jobs.

Code completion does not work in the R Runtimes Workbench versions of the ML Runtimes current release.

Workaround: Downgrade to ML Runtimes 2021.02.

This issue is resolved in ML Runtimes 2021.09.

Due to a race condition in fetching release information, newly created ML Runtimes might become available within 24 hours of a restart or newly created CML workspace.

For the current release, models do not work with R runtimes.

This issue was resolved in ML Runtimes 2021.06.

For the current release, Spark is not supported for R runtimes.

R runtimes do not support Sparklyr or any package that depends on RJava.

This issue was resolved in ML Runtimes 2021.02.

Some bugs that were present for R in the legacy engine persist in ML runtimes.